Vinyasa Flow takes dynamic yoga to a deeper level by integrating rhythmic breathing with conscious movement. As in all physical yoga, you will increase strength and flexibility - and by uniting body and breath, you'll lear... more »n to move from moment to moment with absolute awareness. The practice becomes a meditation in action, and can open you to experience the power of Spirit, the connection between us all. Seane Corn's passionate interpretation of this ancient, flowing style of yoga has made her one of the Nation's most sought-after instructors. In her first-ever session on home DVD, you'll experience a stunningly intimate program that will leave you feeling you've just left a one-on-one yoga lesson - with one of the most compelling and inspiring teachers of our time. For anyone who wants more from yoga than its physical rewards, this is a practice to strengthen the power of your mind and heart as much as your body - yoga to validate and celebrate the human experience and reconnect you to your personal sense of Spirit. This Deluxe DVD Edition includes unprecedented instruction & practice options: Instructional Session: Through informative, unscripted live-audio instruction, Seane guides a complete flow practice - with an emphasis on precise alignment - including modified Sun Salutations, standing poses, backbends, twists, meditation and relaxation as well as instruction in Vinyasa breathing technique. 1 hour 12 minutes. Breath Session: The full practice without verbal instruction, demonstrated at a real-time pace driven by the breath and by the soulful music of Suzanne Sterling. This unique distraction-free template for movement and breath offers the ultimate experience of the powerful, meditative grace of Vinyasa Flow yoga. 1 hour. BONUS Interview: A riveting and candid conversation with Seane, - a glimpse into the personal journey, reflections and beliefs of a woman known for her refreshingly honest take on yoga, spirituality and life. 10 minutes.« less
"Even though Seane is one of these perfect picturesque yogis who grace the cover of yoga media from time to time, she favors breath and proper alignment to pretzel-like asana and unnecessarily extreme poses. Her use of props (though not relevant to every one of my poses) helped breathe new life into the asanas that I have difficulty with. What I really enjoyed about this video is that I learned new things (be it a technique, adjustment, or prop-use) about the most basic asanas in my routine. I don't know if this new structure will help me to eventually touch my head to the ground in prasarita padottanasana, but I certainly feel more connected to the poses than before. And for me, that is what matters.I found the interviews with Seane very intriguing. She is more than just another pretty yogini, and her opinions on yoga give an intellectual depth to her asana teachings.I'd recommend this video to anyone starting out with yoga, who wants a proper foundation in which to achieve some of the real benefits of the practice (which putting your leg behind your head is not one of them). I have since bought this DVD for my Mom (who has been practicing yoga via videotape for five years), and she said that Seane's instruction has helped transform her practice into something much more powerful and meaningful than what she was doing before. If you are looking for instruction in yoga and are new to the practice, or feel that your intermediate practice needs refinement, Seane's DVD is the one to get."
Golden Locked Instructor Unlocks the Body Through Breath
Rebecca Johnson | Washington State | 06/17/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you are serious about Yoga, a Seane Corn workout will probably find you. They do say that when you are ready to learn, a teacher will appear. Seane Corn takes Yoga to a deeper level as she focuses more deeply on the entire yoga experience. She emphasizes the link between the breath and body. In the past few months, I've been finding that breathing is essential for deeper stretching.
Seane Corn is one of the most sought after yoga instructors. If you are interested in a one-on-one lesson, Vinyasa Flow Yoga is a highly-guided workout with calming music. Seane's instruction style is slightly more intense and much more serious than I am used to, but by the end of the DVD I felt amazingly calm, stronger and at peace.
Seane Corn's seriousness may come from her view that yoga is a divine ritual. You can really create a little heaven on earth through breath and movement. She takes yoga to a deeper level through integrating the breath with movement. The poses
are not complicated and I recognized most of the classic
Sun Salutations
Standing Poses
Vinyasa Breathing techniques
This Deluxe DVD Edition also has an interview with Seane.
After doing this workout I could not decide if this was for beginners, intermediate or advanced. In fact, it might just be for all three. While beginners are just learning the poses, Seane moves slowly enough to allow for this aspect. Intermediate yogis will enjoy the relaxing pace and detailed instruction. Anyone who is at the advanced level will more than likely enjoy the additional spiritual aspects (brief prayer and affirmations) and length (72 minutes) of the practice. The unscripted format is also quite refreshing. You feel like you are in a yoga class.
If you enjoy an ancient, flowing style of yoga, this might be for you. While this starts off fairly slowly, the continued practice and movements from the floor to standing will give you a spiritually healing experience. You will feel increased blood flow and as you work with your breath, your entire body will thank you for the experience.
I could also see Seane Corn making a breathtakingly beautiful outdoor DVD. I hope she will move into the light (outdoors) because this DVD can at times be a bit shadowy in places. While it gives this DVD a lot of classic style, I am imagining the sun glinting off Seane Corn's hair out in nature. I love outdoor
yoga workouts.
~The Rebecca Review"
Hard to follow without verbal cues
Yogagenie | New Jersey | 04/03/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This set comes with very thorough step-by-step introduction from Seane Corn taking you through each part of the routine. The problem is when you move onto the second DVD which offer the full series and flow from one position to next. There is no verbal cue or voice-over to guide you. It's simply Sean moving through the sequence silently. In order to follow her you have to constantly look up at the screen. I find it all very distracting and it takes away from me being able to focus on my poses."
Disappointing. For rank beginners only.
Mr Detailer | Utah, USA | 03/25/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Now I admit that I had been doing a couple of years of yoga before I purchased this DVD. I'd heard much from friends about how great an instructor she was, and how hard she made you work. Well after doing this DVD a few times I thought it was a great disappointment.
It had none of the lush backgrounds that I've come to expect from Gaiam. It was set at such a basic level that she couldn't even say modified sun salutations with a straight face. That is absolutely true because it was so darn modified that I didn't even recognize them as Sun Salutations.
I didn't even break a sweat. That's now what I do when I do vinyasa yoga.
What's with the breathing exercise. No instructions. You're suopposed to get into a pose and WATCH to see what she does next. I'm a visual learner, but this borders on the absurd. You have to get into a posistion and crane your neck to see the next pose. Dangerous IMO.
The most diaappointing Gaim DVD I've purchased."
Good for beginners
Michael Mccabe | Milford, MI USA | 04/13/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It hurts me to give Sean Corn less than 5 stars because I can feel her enthusiasm and love for what she is teaching and she is obviously totally genuine but I, a beginner, have fairly quickly outgrown the DVD. The session spends too little time on each pose (three breaths rather than five) and the yoga "workout" is not what I wish it were. On the other hand, no Yoga DVD I have is as thorough at explaining the postures and the modifications as this one. If you are a true beginner, this is a great DVD to start with. When Sean Corn comes out with an intermediate DVD, I will be first in line!"