Hundreds of lucrative ships have disappeared without a trace due to pirate activity. The President of the United States has decided to mobilize the U.S. Navy Seals against the modern-day pirates of the seas. These Navy Sea... more »ls are the most elite and highly trained force in the world. Lieutenant Michael Harris and his team of Seals are assigned the mission and arrive at an abandoned oil rig in the North Sea. There they encounter the gun-toting bandits and a booby-trapped rig. Unfortunately, the pirate ship escapes, only to rob a billion dollars in gold from a ship off the French Riviera, killing the entire crew. The Navy Seals take it personally and embark on a series of missions that climax with the takeover of the pirates' port in Kazahkstan.« less
"As the previous reviews indicate, this is the kind of thing you should watch if you're attending film school, if only as to show you how *not* to make a film. Essentially, everything is wrong; the dialogue consists mostly of 'Flank left!', '.... you!' and grunts, there isn't any characterisation at all, the plot is the barest sliver and the budget was obviously very low. If you haven't got much money to spend on a film, you have to accept that you can't make a special effects blockbuster; the filmmakers don't seem to realise this.Of course, in a film like this the action is the thing, but that's also lacking; there's no tension or build-up, and it's all rather like 'Commando' but without the camp charm. The heroes run forwards, firing their guns wildly at bad guys who also fire their guns, and then the bad guys fall over. Repeat over and over again.Really, it's a film aimed at kids, as it's basically a live action children's cartoon. In twenty years there will be a rash of nostalgic websites about this, mark my words. Curiously, the cast and crew seem to be mostly Russian, which suggests that Russia also has a thriving cable TV industry.In addition to the other bad moments spotted by the other reviews, also note that the child actor in the final scene glances at the camera more than once, whilst in a sequence set in a warehouse an extra hides from gunshots behind some stacked cardboard boxes.Not to be confused, of course, with 'Navy SEALS', which is also a bad film, but professionally made, with proper actors. The actors in 'US SEALS' appear to have been chosen because they have muscular chins, not for any other reason."
Mad crane skills!
vwlsswndr | Pittsburgh, PA USA | 07/09/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is a real classic. It's the reason celluloid was invented.From the scene where our daring protagonists need the assistance of the Bulgarian navy to transport them somewhere, the villainous "Guest Star", and the death of the "token minority team member" in the first action scene, "US SEALS" makes you wish that MST3K were still on the air. Loads of fun, but best seen in a group, so that one person can point out all of the flaws to the others: like the Cyrillic writing on the helicopters they fly around in, and the very obviously pre-wrecked cars sitting in the parking lot. One minute, you think you're watching a GAP commerical; then, five minutes later, people are firing automatic weapons and dropping things from cranes.I have to disagree with the claim that this movie makes the US SEALS look bad: this movie would have made any military outfit look bad, but it's also obvious that this thing was filmed without the participation of the US military. For example, their commanding officer is just some guy in a navy blue blazer, whose office is very obviously the same church they use elsewhere in the film. Further, if memory serves, the only way you're supposed to know these guys are from the United States or a SEAL team is because of the title: I don't remember them making any mention of either in the movie itself. So, in a sense, it makes the Navy SEALS look bad in the same way that the invading armies in "Red Dawn" and "Invasion USA" look bad, except that the "US SEALS" are good guys: they're all caricatures.It has to be seen to be believed."
Just because you CAN make a movie doesn't mean you SHOULD..
vwlsswndr | 07/25/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Oh dear, where do I begin? I caught this movie on cable and it was so mind-numbingly awful I couldn't take my eyes off it. The plot, and I use that term loosely, is about a bunch of guys with too much testosterone running around and blowing stuff up after a SEALS wife is murdered. Then you have the trucks hanging from cranes for no reason at all, the indestructable SEALS running around shooting about 900 rounds from the same gun without reloading, the lumps under the bad guys shirt that are obviously squib panels....I could go on and on but you all get the idea. Don't operate heavy machinery after viewing."
Chris Walker | Wisconsin | 06/30/2000
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Very poor movie. Looks more like a made for tv movie for TNN. Not accurate at all, they don't wear the correct uniforms, are never identified as SEALs...and don't use realistic weapons. No matter what the job they are always using AK-47's and 1 shotgun....for CQB? What happened to the HK Mp5's and SD's? Very weak on substance and plot. This film was worse than the Showtime channel's "Operation Delta Force" movies. If you are looking for a SEALs movie with something good to offer get "Navy Seals" or "The Finest Hour". As far as this one STAY AWAY!"
Disgrace to the Seals
Chris Walker | 08/24/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Too bad the bar doesn't allow you to pick "0" stars. This had to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I actually kept watching just to pick the nonsense apart. The plot, action, actors all pretty much sucked. These commando Seals are running around with unlimited ammo handguns like an old Nintendo game and still killing bad guys toting machine guns. Of course the black guy had to die at the beginning with really no reasoning. The dialogue between the actors was quite robotic as if they were reading cue cards. So many silly holes like how they found his wife to kill her in the next scene after they raided the rig..Alot of mysterious intelligence recon in this movie. Now for this to be a top secret unit, they spent alot of time together in that d@mn bar. Guess it wasn't licensed either cause not once did we see them in actual military gear or carrying any special weapons. Wow, if the Seals is really that open like that I should go and join today...These are just random gripes I have about the movie, but too many more to mention....Just please don't buy this movie and somebody find the directors and producers and kick their A$$!"