"A Night at the DRIVE-IN".......FOR REAL!!
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I must admit that I'd been holding off buying this (and the other disc)--due to the price AND the conflicting reviews of others (some have loved them...some were unrelenting in their criticism). Finally, I bought them both...
I have 4 speakers installed, in that "Surround" set-up thing...(it also works fine with only 2 speakers)...in the front left speaker, you'll hear the audio of the film (being transmitted over what SOUNDS like an actual Drive-In speaker...very tinny and MONO). In the other speaker(s), what is heard are nighttime crickets, people walking past, cars pulling up to park (beside me!), and other miscellaneous sounds!--all of which is Extremely authentic. For example, during the "Giant Leeches," (on volume ONE) there's even a carload of testosterone-charged teenagers...about 7 or 8 rows ahead (to the right!), who whistle every time blond bombshell Yvette Vickers comes onto the screen. During the intermission "highlights," people are heard running to the concession stand placing their orders, etc. ****REMEMBER: All these sounds CAN BE TURNED OFF with your DVD remote, (choosing the secondary audio track) and you'll hear full-blown (mono) audio without the distractions of the public!
The ambient Drive-In sounds on the second DVD ("Wasp Woman," "Gila Monster") are much more entertaining--I think...especially as you watch the intermission tid-bits and cartoons with two young couples who joke about the images on the screen--with regards to the warning of NO PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION, "Let's All Go to the Lobby," and especially the Freudian humor of "Chilly Dilly Pickles"! You can't help but to laugh with them! There's no annoying chatter among the (invisible) people during the films--if you're thinking that I'm implying a sort of MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATRE atmosphere...the folks are respectfully silent (that is, about 98% of the time).As for the quality of the films...(and to address the complaints of other reviewers)...Both feature films (on both DVDs) are presented in widescreen (1.85:1), and yes, there ARE flaws; "moderate-to-low" print-quality, splices (jump-cuts), scratches...but, hey!--YOU'RE AT THE DRIVE-IN that's showing grade-Z horror/sci-fi schlock! The "worn" prints, in my opinion, only ADD to the authenticity of being at the Drive-In movies. If you want a pristine, camera-negative, re-mastered Director's Cut of "The Wasp Woman," I might suggest waiting until Criterion releases it(!!)Some of the intermission segments ARE repeated on the second DVD...but then, some are NEW; again, you're "visiting" your local neighborhood Drive-In, and they're not going to show a new commercial for the same food! One reviewer noted that the shorts are not of the same time period (i.e. the 1930's "Betty Boop" combined with 1950's horror), but, if you're at an outdoor theatre that's showing 2 cheapie "flicks," in actuality, all they'd probably be able to afford to rent WOULD BE a "Betty Boop" cartoon! (NOTE: The "Betty Boop" and "Popeye" cartoons ARE different on both DVD's.)Another reviewer noted that there's no time-code (counter-display) on the DVD player. So? When was the last time you ever saw a number-counter on the theatre screen? Again folks, these DVDs are meant to give you the feel of actually being at the Drive-In...where you aren't supposed to worry about time--just worry about having fun on a "night out," and the only "time" given is the on-screen "count-down" before the next feature--giving you time to get your last hot-dog or soda.
The only problem that I CAN agree with, is that each segment (intermission bits, coming attractions, etc.) are on separate DVD "chapters," and the player must pause (ever so) briefly to seek out the next bit. It's a slight hinderance, but nothing major. TRY THIS: For those who have a DVD playing capability in their home computer, try both DRIVE-IN discs, and you'll see the entire 3 hour presentation WITHOUT ANY pauses or breaks...you'll even "hear" the pops of the splices between film segments!All this being said, I must honestly endorse both DVDs for those who yearn for a bit of nostalgia...and an entertaining evening in front of the boob-tube!"
Who cares about the movies!
Mr Doug Gordon | Toronto, ON Canada | 11/12/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this DVD strictly for the classic Filmack intermission clock, which was hard-to-find on VHS. It's the same one that is featured in the movie "Grease", and it's always been my all-time fave intermission trailer. The transfer is excellent, and the copy that Elite has used is in prestine condition. The movies are interesting to watch with all the bad acting, and hokey special effects, but they are classic drive-in movie stuff. I am glad that these discs are available, especially with all the intermission trailers."
The poor picture-quality can be improved
David33496 | boca raton, florida United States | 02/28/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The movies are good, but the picture-quality is poor on Leeches and average on Skull. When i changed the setting on my dvd-player from 4:3ps to 4:3lb, it got better."