Currently Available DVDs (2) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (26)2014 - Tag 2012 - 247 F 2012 - 247 Degrees Fahrenheit Bd (Blu-ray) 2011 - Four Film Collection (Lake Dead / Unrest / Crazy Eights / Wicked Little Things) 2011 - The Gravedancers / Wicked Little Things (Blu-ray) 2010 - The First Time 2010 - Life Blood 2010 - Halloween II (Unrated Director's Cut) 2010 - Halloween II 2009 - Halloween- Unrated Director's Cut 2009 - Smile Pretty 2008 - Love's Unfolding Dream 2008 - April Fool's Day 2007 - Sleepover 2007 - Wicked Little Things - After Dark Horror Fest Cynthia (DVD)