Take all the best moments of the movies Sandlot and Follow Me Boys, and you have...the new coming-of-age comedy, Scout Camp. The Fire Dragon patrol, with their ever supportive scoutmaster Kerry (Kirby Heyborne, Saints ... more »and Soldiers and The R.M.) is headed to Camp Rakhouta for what might be the best week of their lives. But when the legendary Spirit Stick of the prestigious camp goes missing, the entire tradition of the camp is threatened. Now the Fire Dragons, led by York Hayes (Shawn Carter, High School Musical 1, 2, and 3) must do whatever it takes to find the stick, return it, and restore the legacy of the camp. For many boys scout camp is the highlight of their entire summer. Sleeping and cooking outdoors, campfires, swimming, canoeing, the rifle range these are the exciting activities of which great stories and memories are made. For the moms and sisters and sometimes dads who stayed home, the movie Scout Camp will at last reveal some of the secrets about what really goes on at that annual retreat in the woods. Director, Writer, and Producer Garrett Batty calls the movie a labor of love. This film was inspired and created by Eagle Scouts who share a love for the Scouting program. Both lead actors, Kirby Heyborne and Shawn Carter have received their Eagle Scout Award and add to the films humor and reality of scout camp.« less
"We are a Scouting family on our second go around - our sons are Eagle Scouts and we are bringing our 9-year-old grandson through the Cub Scout program. Until now, "Follow Me Boys" was the movie to see, but this one, being more contemporary caught our eye. We bought it out of curiosity and were very surprised when we played it, it kept the whole family's attention till the very end - even our grandson's! I would definitely recommend this movie."
"Scout Camp" is entertaining but...
James Howes | Florida USA | 11/07/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Only once a generation or so, it seems, does a feature-length movie about Boy Scouts reach the silver screen. There was the surprisingly meaningful "Henry Aldrich, Boy Scout" back in 1944 and then Disney's heartwarming "Follow Me, Boys!", with the versatile Fred MacMurray as Scoutmaster, in 1966. And, of course, River Phoenix starred as the youthful Indiana Jones in the 1989 hit, "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade". Billed as the next film of this genre centered on the world's largest youth movement, "Scout Camp" naturally invites comparison with those earlier pictures.
As Troop 909 spends a summer week at Camp Rakhouta, there are familiar vignettes aplenty: skits and storytelling around the campfire while roasting marshmallows, the assorted pranks and scatological gags sure to evoke giggles from the adolescent set, swimming at the waterfront, late night cabin raids, and the general fun of kids being kids at summer camp, away from school and parents.
Technically, Summer Camp is very good for an independent film, with pleasing cinematography that takes advantage of the rustic on-location scenery in Utah. The handsome production design gives the sets an inviting summer camp feel, sure to make any Scout ready to pitch his tent there. Casting and direction help make the youthful actors believable as authentic Boy Scouts. The post-production is of high quality, with entertaining music tracks (especially an offbeat hip-hop rap by Troop 909 in the midst of a camp formation) and original songs, such as "Born to be a Scout".
Despite these virtues, the film's woefully thin premise is likely to leave grown-up audiences wishing the writers had scripted a more ambitious story line offering some real depth, instead of a screenplay essentially limited to disconnected sight gags and not very developed characters.
"Scout Camp" is a pleasant-enough B-movie that will appeal to boys of Scout age, but it could have had more lasting impact with a better plot.
Scout Camp
Edward T. Moldenhauer | Eastern CT USA | 03/28/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Purchased video to watch at Cub Scout meetings, movie nights or camp outs.
I was very pleasantly surprised when I watched the movie to preview.
It was good, clean and funny. Plus, it had a message in line with Scouting (honesty and courage).
Our Pack will be using this, along with "Down and Derby" in our video "rainy day" library.
My own kids were engaged when watching "Scout Camp" at home, so I know the Cubs will watch it.
I enjoyed how the director poked fun at the various "types" of Scout Troops and Troop Leaders; from the uber-Scouts to the "not-really-there" Scouts.
I also thought that the blend of "boy types" was truly reflective of the vast array of boys in Scouting."
Great Movie to Celebrate Scouting's 100th Anniversary
David Cross | Massachusetts, USA | 03/11/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Scout Camp is a great movie for a low-budget film. If you are the wife or daughter of Scouts and Scouters, this will give you an insight into what your boys do when they're out camping in the woods. I was a Scout when I was a child, and a Scout leader for over 10 years. While some things in the movie were a bit exaggerated to make a point, the movie provides a realistic portrayal of what a week at Scout camp is like.
The Scout camp portrayed in this movie was a little more rustic than the camps I attended in the South. Our camp had actual plumbing and running water with hot showers in the KYBOs. And, we had an air-conditioned dining hall so we didn't have to cook meals in our campsite during week-long camp.
Overall, the movie is fun and campy and will provide new Scouts a rough idea of what a week of summer camp is like. Everything from the cheers, to the troop rivalries, to the camaraderie of Scouting is shown in this film.
Scout Camp
Six stars was not an option!
T. Dansie | Salt Lake City, UT | 09/09/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I thought this was great family fun. For a small budget movie, it was well written, well shot and well directed. I always have great respect for anyone that puts in this much effort to make a movie and this one really reminded me of my ol' scout days! My 4-year-old son thought it was hilarious and he doesn't even know what scouts is! I know he'll appreciate it more as he gets older and gets into scouts later in life as well. I really would suggest this for any family that wants to see some good, clean fun. It really will bring back the memories. Show it to your Scout Troop!"