Robert F. Powers | Quincy, Ma USA | 04/13/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"......It's not in the movie. So just for the record cover 10-movie 2. The film rips off "The Hidden" and David Cronenbergs "Shivers" a.k.a. "They Came From Within" where a parasitic creature passes from one host to another. To pretend the makers of this film are "original" the creature enters the host through the bellybutton. Also the hosts become ravenously hungry and the one funny scene happens when a cop is invaded and he reaches for the donuts.
The movies major problem is despite an occassional burst of gore the movie is so lifeless and slow."
Decent story bogged down by shady execution
Geminiguy | Bloomington, IN | 02/22/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Scourge isn't an original horror tale. It flows more like a science fiction piece and borrows heavily from such movies' as "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers", "Slither", and even a hint of "The Matrix". While it primarily seems to be a horror flick that features a sci-fi parisitic creature it has to be said that this movie is hardly scary. Sure, there are a few moments where tension started to mount but when it is pretty much a given as to what happens next there really isn't much of a release.
While I did find the main plot to be interesting I found that it was all bogged down by the shoddy acting and a rather ridiculous sub-plot that really didn't fit into the story at all. Basically, it goes like this. A young man and woman who used to be high school sweethearts, must team up to try and stop a creature that uses human hosts but can only stay in them for a certain amount of time before having to move on. (Hmmm... that sounds a little familiar, doesn't it?) When the host leaves the body, it does so in a fashion that leaves a corpse in a very bloody mess.
The way they try to stop it was laughable. One of the hosts was also laughable as well... intentionally, I believe. Several scenes lacked any realisim. (not that the movie is really all that realistic) When gunshots go off ina crowded mall, I find it doubtful that patrons would just stand around screaming, but that is exactly what happens here. It is good to see that cliche' characters will always be around, even in a movie that tries to offer smarter heroes. The result isn't all that successful.
Add to that a conclusion that has become the cheapest finale in pretty much any horror flick and the fact that Scourge lived up to my not-so-good expectations is cemented. Hey, I wasn't expecting oscar cailbre stuff here... but I'd like a horror flick to scare me... and this one didn't. For the most part it entertained me... and I guess that has to count for something."
Blood Bath | Texas | 02/26/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Wowee, what a piece of crap this was. So let me get this straight the "hero" of the movie witnesses a bloody death and runs away without calling police, 911, and/or an ambulance eventhough he had a pretty legitimate explanation for it all.
The "heroine" of the movie eventhough she has every reason to believe that the "hero" could be guilty of a terrible crime aides and abides his get away.
I know, I know, it's only a movie but the plot was to thin and unbelievable for me.
The whole movie is riddled with unbelievable scenarios, unbelievable acting, and an unbelievable plot. Too bad. I'm glad I got to see this one for free."