A really amateurish film in all respects!
Luciano Q | Mayaguez, Puerto Rico | 03/14/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I am a time travel fan and bought this one for my collection, but what a deception! The script, the acting and the directing is as its worse! The only good thing I can say about this movie is that it can be used as a teaching tool to learn what not to do in all aspects of movie making and acting. Although it is a 1986 movie, I think that a couple of teenagers could have done something better with a home movie camera in the 60's! That's how bad it is. I seldom stop seeing a movie, but I got so desperate with this one that I could not go past the first 20 minutes, and I think that was more than enough. The dialogue is mediocre, the acting is as its worst, the "special effects" (if they can be called that) are of the worst kind. I won't even try to begin watching the other one. In summary, this movie is not worth your time nor your money."
Low productions values, but okay time-killer
Thomas M. Sipos | Santa Monica, CA | 09/12/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The production values are really low on these two (apparently) TV movies. These films share much of the same production team, cast, and even sets and furniture. They seem to have been shot back to back.
I think WARP SPEED is the better film. It's about astronauts aboard a spaceship, going to Saturn, which is damaged so there's not enough fuel for all of them to survive. So they must decide who will voluntarily die.
This premise has often been used in sci-fi. It was used in the old STAR TREK, where Spock insisted that he could select the person to die more logically than by drawing straws.
It was also the premise behind TRAPPED IN SPACE, a 1990 (I think) made for cable movie, starring Kay Lenz. However, TRAPPED IN SPACE is better than WARP SPEED.
I bought WARP SPEED because THE VISITOR (Italian 1979) is one of my favorite horror films (a guilty pleasure), and it starred Joanne Nail, who is also in WARP SPEED. Nail hasn't worked in many films, so I was curious to see more of her work.
She was okay, but better in THE VISITOR. The overall acting is pretty poor in WARP SPEED. The sets and costumes are also ridiculous. The actors don't look or behave like professional astronauts. They have longish 1970s hair; the women wear makeup. They carp at each other like unruly high school kids.
But if you're not expecting intelligent sci-fi (this is no 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY or GATTICA), this is a decent time-killer.
There's a psychic trying to learn how these astronauts died, but she wasn't the story's main focus.
TIME WARP is a much worse film. I disagree with the reviewer who said it was like a TWILIGHT ZONE story. It might have been, properly handled. But TIME WARP is marred by stupid, heavy-handed "humor."
The wacky, slovenly astronaut. His wacky, computer sidekick. Adam West's (who played a NASA officer) hammy leering at the astronaut's wife.
All the acting is overplayed, hammy, and NOT FUNNY.
Still, these films are cheap. They're stupid fun, sort of. If you're not expecting much, you may enjoy them."
In Space No One Can Hear You Groan...
Robert I. Hedges | 05/18/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This dynamic duo of Adam West space flicks virtually dares you to watch them. The DVD contains two movies (both made in 1981) on one DVD. In both cases Adam West plays a dramatic heavy, although he has more screen time in "Time Warp" than"Warp Speed." Both of the movies are weak at best, but despite their tedium and poor production values they are bad in different ways.
"Time Warp" is a strange quasi-comedy of staggering awfulness. West is Colonel Ed Westin, and the film is about an astronaut who comes home from a long mission out of synch with the world so nobody can see him. The story runs all over the place and has numerous subplots that at first seem significant but are never heard from again. The sets are terribly amateurish, the acting is awful, and the script takes a heavy-handed approach to humor, resulting in some dialogue that must have been positively embarrassing to recite. The soundtrack adds to the general mayhem and is nothing if not diverse: it features both interstellar bluegrass and random synthesizer licks for our listening pleasure. Now here's the weird part: I actually enjoyed "Time Warp" as a newer camp classic. It is absolutely ridiculous, and is in reality a very poor film, but was jarringly assembled of disparate elements and tried to be both a comedy and drama in all the wrong ways possible. Ed Wood fans will surely love "Time Warp."
"Warp Speed," on the other hand, is much harder to warm up to. It is a serious movie about a derelict spaceship that suffered some kind of horrible fate. Adam West was the Captain of the ship and gets most of the hammiest lines, but here they are played absolutely straight with acute boredom as the result. An expedition to the ship is fronted by a psychic who is able to see what happened in the various rooms of the ship (much of which looks like the cafeteria and mechanical rooms of a junior high school,) ultimately leading to the solution to the mystery, if anyone cares. The script is awful, the acting wooden, and the key plotpoints have been done many, many times before, almost always better. This film is just an absolute bruising. It is charmless and I doubt that even the crew at MST3K could make this palatable. Sometimes it's forgivable for sci-fi to be bad, but it's never forgivable for it to be boring. Unfortunately this is both."
Let's do the Time Warp again!
Annie Van Auken | Planet Earth | 08/17/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"A better name for this two-fer is "The Adam West TV Movie Double Feature." Yes, our favorite campy Batman appears in both of these minor sci-fi works.
In WARP SPEED, he's the captain of a missing spaceship that's later found with no crew aboard.
CAST NOTES: Also featured are Cameron Mitchell's adult kids, Camille and Cam Junior. Camille plays a psychic who's asked to determine just where everyone disappeared to. It's a good premise, but poorly executed.
TIME WARP is somewhat better. The plot of this Twilight Zone-ish tale will at least hold your interest.
CAST NOTES: Peter Kastner starred in the legendary but short-lived ABC-TV sitcom, THE UGLIEST GIRL IN TOWN (1968).
Barry Gordon, who appears in both these movies, made his screen debut as a paperboy, in THE GIRL CAN'T HELP IT (1956), with Jayne Mansfield.
For more high flying adventure, blast off with SCI-FI CLASSICS, V.3 (from ECHO BRIDGE). It's an outer space four movie pack guaranteed to send you into orbit!
Parenthetical numbers preceding titles are 1 to 10 viewer poll ratings found at a film resource website.
(5.9) Time Warp (TV-1981) - Adam West/Chip Johnson/Gretchen Corbett/Peter Kastner/Barry Gordon
(3.8) Warp Speed (TV-1981) - Adam West/Camille Mitchell/David Chandler/Cameron Mitchell Jr./Barry Gordon"