Two out of three ain't bad
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Another in Navarre's series of public domain titles put together as a budget release. The entire collection is hit or miss. The first film, Monster from Green Hell, is a classic Grade Z feature made by the same people who produced Robot Monster. While the film is not as bad as its infamous predecessor, it isn't very good either. Monster from Green Hell is mostly endless stock footage interspliced with scenes shot in California's Bronson Canyon. The movie appears complete, the framing is good and the sound is adequate. However, the print's picture quality is abysmal. Devil Girl from Mars is a fun, British, science fiction film about a spaceship from Mars landing in the Scottish Highlands. It's similiar in look and tone to Ulmer's Man from Planet X. The print is in excellent condition, appears complete and the framing and sound are good. Rocketship X-M is a Robert Lippert film rushed into production to beat George Pal's big budget Destination Moon to release. Again, the print is in excellent condition. It's a little dark, but, for the most part acceptable. The print is also complete with proper framing and very good sound. The sequences on Mars are sepia-toned. Wade Williams Productions offers this same movie on DVD. Williams modified his version of the film by inserting new special effects shots in place of the stock footage of V2 rockets used in the original print. I understand the original Rocketship X-M no longer exists. Navarre's print appears to be the Williams version. Frankly, considering the quality and completeness of this print it would be silly to spend the extra money for the Wade Williams release. Three stars for two good prints and films out of three."
Nice Leather Space-suit!
Bindy Sue Frønkünschtein | under the rubble | 07/09/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This triple feature has something for everyone. First, "Devil Girl From Mars" (worth having for the title alone) involves some pub owners, an escaped convict, a kid, his mum, and some scientists, as they match wits with the bodacious devil grrrrl! She has a weird ship, a cheesey robot, and a cool leather outfit! She wants a man to take back to Mars for breeding purposes. Who wouldn't go?? "Monster From Green Hell" is an epic slab of moldy limburger, starring J.R. Ewing's daddy (on Dallas) Jim Davis. It seems we've sent a rocket full of wasps (???!) into space, only to have them crash, mutate into giants, and start eating folks in "Green Hell" Africa. Only Jim Davis can save us! The "monsters" were snatched from some poor kid's toybox for sure! Enjoyable for it's pure schlock-factor. "Rocketship X-M" Yes, it's Lloyd Bridges as you've never seen him before! He heads a crew on a mission to the moon that goes awry. The ship goes off coarse and heads toward Mars instead! Who knew that Mars was inhabited by cavemen? I was hoping for more devil women!! You'll recognize lots of the cast from other movies like "Kronos", and from the '70s TV hit "Rockford Files" (Jim Rockford's dad). A nice little diversion..."