Mixed Bag of Schlock
Lonnie E. Holder | Columbus, Indiana, United States | 02/26/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This collection of four 50s/60s schlock films might be worth buying if you like watching movies that verge on being awful. If you have ever wandered how bad movies can be, here is a good selection of to find out. However, there are, sad to say, even worse movies than these. I will also point out that you can find these movies in "SciFi Classics Collection: 50 Movie Pack," which includes many more schlock movies at a bargain price.
"King of Kong Island"
There is no king, no kong and no island in this piece of junk. This movie was originally titled "Eve, the Wild Woman," which makes far more sense than the title on the case, which disagrees with the title on the film itself, which says "Kong Island." For an added bit of humor, the movie makes it clear that they are in Africa. I never figured out the island connection.
At this heart of this movie it is a mad scientist movie. The mad scientist is trying to come up with an implant that makes critters do what he wants, with the goal of making people do what he wants. How he plans to implant the world with these devices is unclear. Perhaps that detail awaits a sequel, which we can only hope will never be made. Albert, our mad scientist, is doing this nefarious work deep in the jungle of Africa. Eva, sort of a female Tarzan, wanders around being nice to the animals. She is distressed that the mad scientist has transformed the gorillas into zombies.
Ultimately, the main characters meet in a showdown that is exciting beyond belief (yawn), and the movie resolves itself unsatisfactorily, er, satisfactorily. I guess.
"Bride of the Gorilla"
In this movie Raymond Burr takes the shortcut to winning the affections of Barbara Payton. Unfortunately, Burr ends up paying the price for being an expeditious amore.
Barney Chavez (Burr) is a foreman on the South American plantation of Klaas Van Gelder (Paul Cavanaugh, a veteran star who also appeared in an episode of Perry Mason). Van Gelder has a sumptuous blonde wife, Dina (Payton, playing this role after her career began to disintegrate).
After an argument with Chavez, Mr. Van Gelder decides that Chavez has to go, and fires him. The pair has heated words a short time later. Chavez sees a poisonous snake on the ground nearby and deliberately throws Van Gelder near the snake with predictable results. Unfortunately for Chavez, servant Al-Long (Gisela Werbisek, in her last role) saw the whole sordid snake activity, and she decides to take direct action rather than telling the police. Being a witch, she pulls out the rare, illegal plant and makes a potion of it that she tricks Chavez into drinking.
This movie has a great cast, and had a lot of potential. As a monster movie, it follows too much in the path of such greats as "The Wolf Man" and others of the genre and brings little new to that genre. I was impressed that the director tried to play the movie more as a psychological thriller, but he was insufficiently focused on Chavez and too focused on Chavez's interactions with Dina to bring real believability to the movie. The result is that the movie never becomes a convincing horror movie or a convincing psychological thriller, and a viewer is left unsatisfied.
"Attack of the Monsters"
We have three children looking through a low-power telescope when an alien spacecraft lands nearly in their backyard. The obvious choices for the children would seem to be, a) tell their mother, b) call the police, or c) climb aboard the spacecraft and journey to another planet populated by brain-sucking babes. You can guess which answer wins.
Once on the planet, Tom and Akio (Akio's little sister had to stay behind because she was too little) immediately encounter Guiron and Gaos. Unfortunately, this early scene generates a huge laugh when Gaos's foot is lasered off. Seriously, this scene is unintentionally funny. The movie continues a downhill slide from here.
The boys soon encounter the only two inhabitants of planet Terra, two females hungry for boy brain. The movie never explains why boy brain is a delicacy on Terra. Through a variety of machinations and Gamera, who clearly was preparing for the summer Olympics (in yet another hilarious scene) the boys and Gamera are able to escape back to the earth and the end of this film, thereby ending their movie career.
"Gammera the Invincible"
A flight of Soviet bombers "accidentally" flies over Alaska. U.S. interceptors shoot one of the planes down, causing a low-yield nuclear explosion. The nuclear explosion wakes a giant prehistoric turtle called Gammera by the local Inuit. Gammera attacks a model ship, flaming it with bad breath for good measure. Fortunately, the crew abandoned ship just in time. What excitement! Did I tell you that this turtle is so cool that it walks on two legs? Clever trick for a turtle.
The excitement builds as Gammera lands at a totally cool model airport and then begins to stomp around an excellent model of Tokyo. We catch a bit of a song titled "Gammera" that sounds suspiciously (to me) like the theme from the 1960s television series "Batman." It could be coincidence, or not.
Of course there has to be a plan to deal with Gammera, since all attempts to stop him have failed. Enter Plan Z! Before Plan Z we see model trains and a model laboratory and more models of other stuff, and then we see the Plan Z model. Woo hoo! This stuff is great! Of course, I have to leave the suspense of Plan Z to the viewer to discover.
They just don't make movies like this any more. Thank goodness for that!