(Comedy) Jon Heder plays an unlucky meter reader who enrolls in a confidence-building class so he can win the love of the girl of his dreams. The class turns out to be something quite different when it becomes clear to the... more » young man that his professor (Thorton), has his sights set on the same girl. "Uproarious?fiendishly funny!" ? Rolling Stone, Peter Travers "A+ for laughs and genuine comic smarts" ? Maxim, Pete Hammond« less
Sean K. (Blindzombie74) from UPPER SANDSKY, OH Reviewed on 11/5/2018...
Same concept as Anger Management but still pretty good.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Michel D. (michelann) from WALNUT GROVE, MO Reviewed on 8/8/2012...
School For Scoundrels is a whole lot of fun! An absolute scene stealer is Michael Clarke Duncan. And Billy Bob Thornton is always well worth watching just to see him act. This is a movie I've had a while and didn't watch but now it's on my favorites list!
Damian M. (ratchet) Reviewed on 3/11/2009...
Jon Heder, David Cross, Sarah Silverman, Ben Stiller, Matt Walsh, etc star in this apparent remake. Totally my kind of humor. I cannot believe it took me this long to see a movie with all these people in it. A pushover enters a class on how to assert yourself underhandedly and excels so much the teacher (Billy Bob) targets him. Hilarity ensues.
Movie Reviews
Kevin J. Loria | New Orleans, LA USA | 09/30/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
One-Upmanship is back!
If you tolerated ROADTRIP, if you found OLD SCHOOL moderately entertaining then you might consider "SCOUNDRELS." Director Todd Phillips, this time assembles Billy Bob Thornton (of BAD SANTA) and Jon Heder (of NAPOLEON DYNAMITE and BENCHWARMERS) for this remake of Robert Hamer's 1960 screen version of Stephen Potter's series of One-Upmanship or Lifemanship books outlining how to win without actually cheating (check them out, written a century ago but still classics).
Heder is Roger NYC meter maid so cowardly he pays the tickets he rights! He can't find it in himself to as out his lovely neighbor Amanda (Jacinda Barrett, of Poseidon). He is refered to enroll in a course converting losers to lions with the ladies, taught by Thornton's Dr. P with the burly assist of Michael Clarke Duncan as Lesher. Other mama's boy misfits enrolled are a "whipped" Horatio Sanz, Matt Walsh and Todd Louiso's obligatory virgin. After Roger proves himself too good a student, Dr. P wants to seduce Amanda to prove he is still in charge, then the One-upmanship begins this-time school is out and student is a master, sortof.
The theme is as classic and as familiar as the books themselves. So are the punchlines. Heder and Thornton (who even takes a shot at ex-Jolie) keep the goofs coming, Ben Stiller adds to the hilarity all too briefly. Overall, sort of mild considering the salsa from Phillips in the past.
It was okay
Cathedral of Crane | home | 03/04/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This movie had its funny moments, although Jon Heder was always better as Napoleon Dynamite than any of these other roles he plays. The concept behind having a "school" that is supposed to teach confidence but really conveys sinister ways in order to reach that confidence was good. I do not recommend the unrated version though. The only reason it is unrated is because Billy Bob says G## D##### about a million times. After a while the curse words get to the point where they are weakening the film and not strengthening it. Then again its just B grade comedy, despite having Ben Stiller in the mix. Okay to rent but definitely little substance to make it part of your collection."
"What Does It Take To Be King Of The Jungle? ~ Awakening The
Brian E. Erland | Brea, CA - USA | 02/17/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The '06 release of `School for Scoundrels' is a light, entertaining and well-constructed comedy that will delight the viewer more for its clever plot then outright laughs. Billy Bob Thorton and Jon Heder click on the screen as two rivals competing for the same woman (Amanda played by Jacinda Barrett). I haven't enjoyed a one-on-one alpha-male competition storyline as much as I did this one since the '99 film `Pushing Tin' which coincidentally also included Billy Bob as one of its co-stars.
How can you go wrong with the likes of Billy Bob and Jon? When you're in the mood for something light, but not stupid or insulting this is it.
My Rating: 3 ½ Stars"
So disappointing! Jon Heder-you can do better!
English major | Georgia | 10/06/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I had high hopes for SFS, and the early previews ("trailers") I saw were so promising. Jon Heder? Billy Bob Thornton? What could go wrong? As it turned out...quite a bit. I read a review which mentioned that Jacinda Barrett is too bland to be a leading lady, and I wholeheartedly agree. I would NOT recommend this. There were a few laugh-out-loud moments, but they were very few and far between and didn't make up for what happened (or didn't happen) in the interim. All in all, it was a waste of time. One of the few redeeming qualities was the soundtrack, but that didn't make up for that two hours of my life spent watching this."
Let this Bomb Lie and Get the Original
T. Brenzel | Louisville, KY | 06/19/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is a god-awful remake of a brilliantly funny British comedy from 1960 of the same name School for Scoundrels starring the hilariously subtle Alastair Simm as the professor. Simm as "Potter" guides his students through the art of "one-upsmanship" by subtly undermining them, making them ill at ease, and feeling inadequate while maintaining the demeanor and guise of being a perfect gentleman at all times. Billy Bob's mean, paint-balling, yelling jackass Bad Santa rehash just doesn't compare . . . Please, check out the original-- don't waste your time on this Dog!!!!!"