"* The Saved by the Bell DVD sets are not 'missing episodes' as previous reviewers have claimed. The episodes sited are not in this set, but there is a reason for this.
* The sets are being released in full seasons BASED ON NBC's PRODUCTION NUMBERING SYSTEM. The episodes are presented not in chronological order, but in the order NBC had numbered them.
I hope this clears up any confusion. There have always been questions about how the Saved by the Bell seasons actually are broken down, because of the show's airing Saturday mornings instead of in a normal prime time schedule, and because of the "Malibu Sands" and "Tori Episodes" season divisions.
* There are, in fact, FIVE seasons of Saved by the Bell according to NBC records, and the seasons do not break down evenly with the years the gang is in high school. For example, there are episodes that take place in the 10th grade, or second year of high school, that were not actually aired until the THIRD season of the show. Because of this, NBC has numbered these episodes as being part of the third season. They were not 'missing' from the first DVD set, but rather considered under this system to be included in the DVD set for Seasons Three and Four. The decision to release the episodes according to this system also accounts for the 'jumping around' in continuity.
* Just know that Lion's Gate has been good enough to bring us Saved by the Bell on DVD. And the improved packaging and commentary overshadow the inconveinience of having the episodes presented 'out of order' in terms of chronology. And wait for a Season Five release before you get upset over 'missing episodes'"
Misinformed Other Review
Steven Parankewich | 12/25/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In regards to the person who was really dissapointed... here is the actual scoop:
According to what NBC provided Lions Gate Entertainment, Seasons 3 and 4 are complete. What you might be wanting is Season 5. SBTB had 5 seasons. The order in which they are putting them on the DVD's is by air date. SBTB has been in syndication since it first began, so there are many different online episode guides to confuse you. The best episode guide to follow, that can give you an idea of how Lions Gate is putting them in order can be seen at this website, http://epguides.com/SavedbytheBell/ (But ignore the way they have divided the seasons) I am sure they will be releasing the final season 5 on DVD next. (Which is senior year with "Tori" episodes and the final "Jessie/Kelly" episodes with the graduation, etc.)
Season 5 is expected for a June 2005 release.
Well how come "Video Yearbook" and "Snow White and the Seven Dorks" are missing, as well? Aren't they considered Season 3 and 4? Again, this goes back to the fact that Lions Gate is putting them in air date order. These 2 episodes didn't air until Season 5, along with the "Tori" episodes, according to the air date episode guide I provided you above."
Ryan Bonnar | 11/24/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"... I am Screechless! Well, speechless actually. I ordered the first two seasons, and enjoyed them, besides the fact that some of the episode orders and seasons were screwed up. But this box set is disappointing! First, the third season contains episodes that actually belong in the second season! But this is where it gets worse. There are NO season four episodes in this box set at all! I Cross-referenced the episodes on the DVD's with those listesd on a few detailed television bible sites, and discovered that none of the season four titles listed on the sites corresponded with those listed in the box set. Those that are listed for the fourth DVD are not from season four, but the last episodes from season three. I am really disappointed, and feel that I did not get what I expected. The title of the box set, "Saved by the Bell, Seasons 3 & 4", as well as the back of the box set, which reads, "For the first time ever on DVD, the complete THIRD and FOURTH SEASON of Saved by the Bell," is very misleading, and is actually fraudulant in their descriptions! I am disappointed...."
Hooray for Saved by the Bell!
Steven Parankewich | 02/28/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am so excited for SBTB Seasons 3 and 4 to be released. If you love the first two seasons you are definitely going to love this one. It will include some of my favorite episodes and I sure that if you are a fan then they are your favorites too. It features Zack and Kelly's breakup, the summer at Malibu Sands, and my favorite music group, The Zack Attack! And that is just the beginning. F.Y.I.... I found out through the NBC website that this set of dvds will actually have commentaries from the cast as well as executive producer Peter Engel. This dvd set is going to be wonderful. I can't wait for it to be released. Be sure to get your copy...I know you'll love it!"
For Whom the BELL Tolls
Jabberwocky | Elsewhere, USA | 09/29/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I, like a lot of others, grew up on Saved by the Bell. It defined my Saturday mornings: this, along with The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
I bought this season first because it had more of my favorite episodes on it.
This show isn't just a sitcom. It is a cult classic. They were able to make the show appealing for both young kids and adults.
As I watch Saved by the Bell as an adult, I pick up on some disturbing things that eluded me before: one, the gang is really mean to the nerds ("school intellectuals"), or anyone who doesn't fit their "cool" status. It reminds me of real-life school cliques and elitists who ostracize the unpopular kids. These kids grow up to become mass murderers much of the time. Better watch out! You might be on somebody's "list." The Saved by the Bell clique were basically good people, but boy did they have their moments of cruelty and deviousness.
One other complaint I have is with the breakdown of the episodes. This is more of NBC's fault than it is Lions Gate. Even though the gang was in high school for four years, which is the normal number, NBC didn't have the seasons break down into a clear cut four seasons. This is why there is a confusing FIVE seasons.
My Top Five Favorite Episodes From The Collection
1. Last Dance (where Zack and Kelly breakup)
2. All in the Mall (U2 tickets)
3. Date Auction (Zack tries to avoid overweight date)
4. Cut Day (Zack outwitting Mr. Belding by leaving school)