If you're a collector...
BMW Fan | Australia | 03/10/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you're a collector of the SBTB series, you'll get this DVD just to fill the collection. But if you're deciding whether or not this is a show worth watching, this probably isn't the season that is going to help.
One of the biggest pros for this season was the introduction of the new character Liz Miller, who replaced Rachel adequately. While it was a shame to see Rachel go, in this series Liz is often the conscience of the group and you quickly learn to like her character. Personally I find her character a lot more tolerable over Maria, who in this season often seems to need a conscience, and Katie, who in this season has too many personalities too keep up with.
I found that there were two big downfalls to this season of SBTB. The first are the characters of Screech and Mr Belding. Mr Belding used to be the wise principal who was always ready to offer an ear and some advice. However in this season he's flat out stupid most of the time and is more like trying to be part of 'the gang' as opposed to a mentor who is loved and respected. Screech also seems to have been 'dumbed down' a lot this season, his voice has become incredibly more nasal and he's more of a clown then he's ever been before- both in the original TV show as well as the new class.
The second downfall of this season is that there are real inconsistancies in the screening of the episodes. It's almost like the entire season was filmed and then the tv show people decided to randomly screen them to the public and mix up the order. Liz has already become part of the gang before she is introduced as a character. The Habitat house that the gang is working on is finished before it actually starts, there is a lot of mix between the regular school episodes and the working at the mall/French trip/camping episodes.
It seems that the script writers were getting a little stuck for ideas here, so a lot of old storylines from the original series were recycled with a new location. However to keep positive, SBTB in general was a great tv show. This season covered a few real world issues including love, addictions and competitiveness that make up for the corny parts."
Best New Class Season
Jay | 12/22/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the best season of the new class period. This season took on a much more serious tone than the previous four seasons of the new class i.e. the Ryan, Nicky, Liz love triangle. Speaking of Liz, she was a wonderful replacement for Rachael and the show, in my opinion, did much better with the Liz character than with the Rachael character(although Rachael was great). The only downside to this season was the moronic duo of Mr. Belding and Screech. By now they are such a joke it's not funny anymore. However the gang in this season overshadows the faults of Mr. B and Screech on all fronts. I highly recommend this season to anyone who is a fan of the original series, new class, or any Saturday morning TNBC shows."
Excellent season
Matt | st. louis | 10/20/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As a SBTB fan, I disagree with anyone who writes off the new class seasons 4 and this one, 5. The cast here (sadly minus Sarah Lancaster) works well."