Saturday the 14th Strikes Back
BRIAN M. LEBOEUF | Poulsbo, WA USA | 10/17/2001
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Unfortunately, this movie was not as good as it's predecessor. Then again how many sequels really are? The movie was kind of bland with a boring story line. It produced a few decent laughs, but not really much more. A few good actors kind of kept this movie going, but there was only so much they could do to try to save this film. Personnaly, I would rate a low-budget movie much higher than this film."
A Rare and Bizarre Film To Say The Least
Stanley Runk | Camp North Pines | 04/27/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Now, I've seen my share of oddball titles through the years, but this sucker really takes the cake. Not many films can make your jaw hit the floor in shock and amazement-especially one that's pretty much appropriate for any age-but this film might just do that on the strength of how insanely goofy it is. Plot is quite simple-Family moves into haunted house(the reason it's haunted is explained by some kinda crack in the earth that the house rests on, but that whole angle is never elaborated on or explained too well) and the son has to stop the evil ghosties from destroying his family, and the whole world. He has until Saturday the 14th to stop em. Naturally it's a comedy and bears no relation to the film Saturday the 14th. Same director though. It's rather lighthearted for a horror spoof, yet manages to be more out to lunch than alot of movies. It's nearly impossible to describe because I've never seen a film quite like it. Try to imagine if you can, if Lloyd Kauffman, the Zucker Bros, David Lynch and Ed Wood collaborated on a film, and you might get an idea of how this thing plays out. It's extremely cheap, the acting is hilariously awful, enormous gaps in logic, music numbers pop up, stock footage abound, and every character is insane. The family is so loony that when the ghosts and monsters arrive, they blend so seamlessly with the insanity that the family(and the viewer) barely notice any difference. I'd seen this movie numerous times back in the good ol' days of HBO, and I must say that for as downright awful as this movie is, I have always found it fascinating, entertaining and actually quite funny. It's worth checking out. You might hate it, but you can't deny it's unique."