"When the darkness overcomes the heart, Little Slugger appears...." After the first victim's story, the police felt the overly stressed woman was having a breakdown and lied to cover-up for some crime. However, after the ... more »third and fourth attacks upon unrelated victims led to the same description of a young attacker with a golden baseball bat and in-line skates, the police had to wonder- is the "Lil' Slugger" real or a sinister phantom? Box Set contains all four volumes in series.« less
"It's fairly rare in the Anime world when you can get a deep involving plot which is thought provoking, but not too out of whack that only the animators and writer can understand what is going on.
It doesn't have giant robots or over excited anime characters with stars shouting and dancing around. It's not that type of series. It's a story...a very good story albiet with extremly dark themes, but done tastefully enough as to use the dark imagery to get points across about the dark side of human nature without grossing out the audience or focusing in on it too much.
If you are looking for action, explosions and an exciting romp of anime this isn't it. If you are looking for intelligent anime with a good plot line and interesting character develolpment (which i must admit is rare sometimes in the anime world) then this is definately worth your money to buy."
Loved It- A Must for Satoshi Kon Fans!!!
Fletcherfan | Douglasville, GA United States | 07/25/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Satoshi Kon is one of the most inovative writers/directors. All it took was one viewing of the pilot episode to be hooked. I felt that the first few discs were stronger than the last two. I did especially like the "preview" at the end of the last episode. To say anymore would give away the enjoyment. I highly recommend also Perfect Blue and Millennium Actress by Kon as well."
Awesome anime (for the more mature audience)
L. Wynne | ft. lauderdale fl | 07/15/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"maybe the other reviewer disliked this anime because it is complex and confusing, but also compelling and mysterious, (unlike DBZ, but FLCL was veeeery unique in a good way) I highly recommend this series."
Best anime I've seen since Eva
Melkor | San Diego, CA USA | 09/12/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the best anime I've seen since Evangellion. Like Eva, it is difficult to talk about this anime without giving away spoilers. Sorry if my review is a little cryptic, but I don't want to spoil the show for anyone.
For anime fans out there, if you like Eva and Serial Experiments: Lain, then you should like Paranoia Agent. It reminds me a lot of Lain, except with a better thought out plot and conclusion. It reminds me of Eva because there is so much symbolism that this is a show that you'll be able to watch many times and still not catch everything.
On the surface, the show is about an inline skater who hits helpless people on the head with his crooked golden baseball bat. Soon Tokyo, and then Japan, become fearful and fascinated with the assailer. Beneath the surface, the show is about paranoia. It's about the pressure of modern life, and the mythologies we build for ourselves. It's about distinguishing between victimizing and being victimized. It's about the excuses we make for our actions. It's about being trapped when our fantasy and reality come into conflict with each other. That's about as much as I can say without spoiling the show for you.
Paranoia Agent is not a show for everyone. The themes and storylines are very adult. This is a heavy show. It can almost be excruciating at time, with the stress and paranoia it tries to instill in the viewer. Some episodes deal with issues like prostitution and suicide (in other words, this isn't a show for kids). At the same time, P.A. has its lighthearted and dark comedic moments. Still, Maromi, the big headed pink dog, is just plane creepy.
If you enjoy intelligent and challenging entertainment, then please watch this show. I only listened to the Japanese language track with subtitles, so I can't tell you if the English dub is any good. The animation is gorgeous."
Opening Credits Do It All
C. Chow | Leesburg VA | 08/23/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"`Paranoia Agent' defies most of conventional anime. No giant robots, big guns, or girls with blue hair. It takes place in present day Tokyo and revolves around the lives of everyday workers. It is also unique for being an anthology.
`Paranoia Agent' is not based around the conflict of heroes and villains. It depends mostly on style. The opening credits are arguably the most memorable in anime history. We see our many characters standing in the midst of a disaster, flood, fire, earthquake, nuclear bombing. However they are all laughing uncontrollably in an insane manner, as to make us think that these characters may have come to except the horror of their lives.
The plot: Unlike most anime series `Paranoia Agent' is an anthology, each episode seems to exist on its own, in that we are introduced to new characters whose stories begin and end with that episode, an anthology. The stories are all related in the sense that each of our characters lives in modern day Tokyo and is having trouble in life, generally work related. They all end up being attacked by boy in roller blades, Little Slugger.
The stories are very entertaining in a dark comedy way, from a sleazy reporter who owes money to the mob, a school girl by day and prostitute by night, an anime production team that's behind schedule, friends that keep failing in their many attempts to commit suicide. Little Slugger attacks them all.
As the show progresses, so does Little Slugger. It becomes quite obvious that he is super natural. It also becomes quite obvious that `Paranoia Agent' has absolutely no intention of wrapping things up or ever explaining the truth about Little Slugger or any of the bizarre events. And it doesn't.
I couldn't see this series going on any longer and it's nice they ended it after 13 episodes allowing us to remember it fondly.
`Paranoia Agent' works mostly because of its style. The animation and directing are great. It also works because of its very entertaining stories, as short as they might be.