James B. (wandersoul73) from LINDALE, TX Reviewed on 7/1/2009...
This is a lot of fun. Henriksen always brings something great to the party.
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Movie Reviews
In a word, Painful
Ben Warrick | 12/17/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This film is painfully bad. Some bad movies are so bad they're good. This one passes good and goes straight back to bad. But I did learn a few things about Sasquatch in watching this film.I learned that Sasquatch not only starred in this film, but he edited it as well. Oh, the credits don't come out and SAY that the film was edited by Sasquatch. But from the best I can tell, Sasquatch edited the film, using a blunt instrument. Maybe a tree trunk or smooth rock. I also learned that Sasquatch has X-ray vision and can dodge bullets. This leads me to believe that Sasquatch is the love child of Superman and Chewbacca. It's somthing I'd rather not think about, but the proof is right in the film.All in all, this film should be avoided at all costs. There are much better Lance Henriksen B-movie vehicles you can rent/purchase instead."
Did any one understand what was going on?
TrezKu13 | Norfolk, VA | 04/01/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This film opens up with a shot of a plane crash in a mountain. A lone survivor (a young girl) is outside trudging through the snow. From the point-of-view of the Sasquatch we watch as she fires a flare, misses, and gets attacked. Now, I have to side with Bigfoot here...was it really a good idea to shoot at him? "Hey, there's a huge, muscular furry thing that can rip me apart. I think I'll fire a single shot at it." Cut to Lance Henrikson, millionaire extraordinaire, setting up a team to go find his daughter. She was trapped in a snowy mountain...so of course they go into a thick forest...Then - for some odd reason - they FORGET what their mission is. They start camping in a forest and talking about Bigfoot and starting relationships with each other. It isn't until they find a cave that ol' Lance says, "Wait a minute...my daughter!" His answer to find her is to fire a shot into the air and shout her name. And that's it. "Um...Lance? Your daughter's in the Himalayas, you might wanna yell louder than that..." Then Bigfoot attacks! Well, he drags a girl ten feet from her tent and leaves. Was she camped out fifty miles from the rest of the group? Why didn't they notice a ten foot tall gorilla-like beast walk into camp and carry a girl off? And why didn't the girl notice what it was?Some how they come across the crash site where they find out Bigfoot killed every one. Then Bigfoot comes and kills off some of them. In the end, Lance and Bigfoot have a showdown where he decides to spare Chewy because - underneath all that murderous, blood-stained fur - there beats the heart of a good being. A being that killed his daughter and mutilated her corpse, but still a good being...wait, does that make sense...?Wow, this movie was really bad. Even Lance Henriksson can't save this. Lance, c'mon...I know you've been damned to Direct-to-Video Hell forever...but do you have to pick movies THIS bad?And hey, I'm just wondering: was this film supposed to be a sexploitation film? That scene where the girl is undressing in her tent with softcore porn music was odd...and turning the camera 180 degrees didn't help. And why did that one girl strip down and get in a forest lake? She is one of two girls in a part of seven, is that a wise thing? And also, I would not step into unknown water in the middle of a thick forest at night. The worms and chiggers must have loved to see her."
Not quite sold on the Untold
crazylegsmurphy | Calgary, Canada | 10/08/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Hey all,
I just wanted to give you all a few crazy facts about this movie. I was actually one of the Make-up FX artists that help create the "beast" for this movie and I have to tell you the original creature looked absolutely amazing. I remember when we got the first photos back from the set we were all talking about how much of a shame it was that this creature was in a movie that would probably be pretty poor.
What actually happend though was that Jason Palmer did the original make-up for the Sasquatch, but for some reason they had to go back and re-shoot much of the creature. The sad part was that Jason passed away a few weeks before that and so the re-done creature was no where near as awesome as the original one.
For me it was quite sad because this was Jasons final movie, and he sort of got cheated out of his final fame due to the bad re-shoots. Anyway, I thought you guys may find that a tad interesing, and if you would like you can head over to mmmyeah.com and check out some "behind the scenes" photos.
Horrid, Absolutely Horrid
Over 40 | The Mountains | 12/06/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"No stars, if that had been an option!Having had an interest in the Sasquatch/Bigfoot phenomena for the last 30 years I thought I would rent this from my local Hollywood video. I was so incensed at how bad it was I was tempted to take it back and try to get my money back.Lance Henrickson is generally a good actor, but he couldn't even save this abomination.The cinematography was horrid, the props were horrid, and the plot/story line was horrid.Do yourself a favor. Skip this one."
This Is Bad, Even For The SciFi Channel
K. Fontenot | The Bayou State | 12/14/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The SciFi Channel has cranked out its share of stinkers. There's no arguing that, but "Sasquatch" has got to be the worst of the bunch. Starring Lance Henriksen and Andrea Roth, this story follows the crusade of a rescue team in search of Henriksen's daughter and a device that can prove the existence of Bigfoot. The plane went down in the Pacific Northwest and along the way happens to really tick off a Sasquatch. I'm not going to tell you why, but you can read other reviews for the spoilers. Henriksen heads up the ragtag bunch of typical horror movie fodder. There's the hotshot who knows everything, the geek, the girl who gets naked at the most unlikely time, and the deceptive villain out for personal gain. One by one they are picked off by the Sasquatch and they don't know why. Just rest assured that 'Squatch's reasons are soon revealed and everything comes to a head when ol' Bigfoot and Henriksen faceoff in a battle to the death!
Honestly, this flick is just flat out boring. Henriksen, who seems to relish in doing bad flicks like this, doesn't even seem to have a spark in this movie. His character is just as dull and unimportant as the rest of the gang in the flick. As far as special effects go, this picture is pretty sparse. Sasquatch looks like Cousin It's relative who failed at the hairstyling academy. The direction is choppy at best and the dialogue is horrendous.
I usually like bad SciFi films, but I have to say that this B-movie is perhaps one of the worst B-movies I've ever seen.
Only recommended to very loyal Sasquatch and SciFi channel fans."