Sarah Silverman says what?s on her mind. And no one else?s. In this first season of the critically acclaimed The Sarah Silverman Program, Sarah gets hepped up on cough syrup, takes in a homeless man and poops her pants. Wi... more »th her unique perspective on life and her ability to turn just about everything into a song, find out why Sarah Silverman is an American treasure. An offensive, filthy-mouthed treasure.« less
You'll either love it or hate it -- or both at the same time
Robert Moore | Chicago, IL USA | 08/05/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"It is impossible to watch this show without some kind of strong reaction. There were times watching this show that I laughed as hard as I have laughed at anything I've seen in recent years. But there were also times when I was simply appalled at how unfunny and in bad taste some parts were, as if the point had ceased being to make us laugh and had become to shock and dismay us. There are many moments when I am simply blown away by the brilliance and originality of Silverman's comic vision and times when I wonder if she has any conception of what is funny and what is not.
This is definitely not a show for everyone and it has nothing to do with how well one's sense of humor is developed. There are simply a lot of absolutely terrible moments in these episodes to go along with some hysterically funny ones. If you can filter out or ignore the bad and merely focus on the good, this is a show you will either partially enjoy or consider a masterpiece. But if you can't filter out the bad or if you obsess over the bad to a degree where you can't appreciate the genuinely funny bits, then you could well consider this to be one of worst shows ever concocted.
I especially loved the initial episode, where Sarah buys some cough syrup that has a decided effect on her perception of reality. That episode -- and especially Sarah's self-absorption that is so extreme that she almost obtains a childlike innocence -- reminds me very much of the balance that Paul Reubens was able to strike in PEE WEE'S PLAYHOUSE. Unfortunately, she is not able to maintain that balance through the rest of the series. I did not enjoy any subsequent episode as much as that one, though the one in which she thought she was dying of AIDS came close. Here is a bit that presents the show at its best. Sarah is feeling a bit down so she decides to go get an AIDS test so that she'll feel better when it comes up negative. As part of the exam she is asked to respond to a questionnaire that tracks her lifestyle choices. Here is a bit of that dialogue:
Nurs: Did you ever have a blood transfusion in the 80s?
Sarah: Yeah.
Nurse: (alarmed) You did? You had a transfusion in the 80s?
Sarah: (bemused) Oh! Ha! No--I thought you said in Haiti.
Nurse: (even more alarmed) How long were you in Haiti?
Sarah: Oh that's hard to say; I was doing a lot of heroin at the time.
On the other hand, there are the truly awful moments, most of which cannot be repeated on a board like this. It wasn't merely that they were off color or excessive or extreme. They were simply not funny. And being extreme simply for the sake of being extreme is not funny. Andy Kaufman could pull that off, but few others.
So, this is a show that can only receive a limited recommendation. More perhaps than any other comedian today, Sarah Silverman invites extreme reactions. There have been many moments where I have found her to be as funny as anyone alive and times when I can't tolerate her. I suspect that this is pretty much what you will always get with her. But I will say this: there isn't anyone else out there quite like her."
I love Tab
David A. Coates | Bloomington, IN United States | 07/17/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"A hit and miss affair at some points, but when it hits, it hits solid. The Sarah Takes in a Homeless Guy episode and the Sarah Becomes a Lesbian episode are highlights. Can't wait to see the second season. Oh, and maybe you should watch the show if you think she's in any way trying to be Seinfeld."
Perhaps the best comedy since "Sunny in Philly"
David H. | 07/17/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I heard the buzz about this show and Tivo'd it a few weeks ago. Now I'm addicted. If you enjoy tasteless, no holes barred comedy that will make you squirm in your seat and fall on the floor laughing, this show is right up your alley. The show has nothing in common with Seinfeld other than both are sitcoms and very funny - for totally different reasons. TSSP is more akin to 'It's Always Sunny in Philly' than anything else on the air right now. For that reason alone, it's worth checking out."
The funniest 30 minutes on television
John Mihaljevic | West Mifflin, PA (just outside of Pittsburgh) | 07/23/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've always found Sarah Silverman to be a pretty funny person, and was looking forward to checking out her new show when I saw that it was coming to Comedy Central. From the very first episode, I was hooked. Her show is unlike anything else on television with regard to format, content, style and humor. Each show of this first season was a winner and I'm anxiously awaiting my DVD set to arrive so I can have a Sarah-thon.
Of course, the star of the show is Sarah, who has a sense of humor unlike anyone else. The girl just ain't hooked-up right, and I mean that in the nicest possible way. The rest of the cast is very strong also, and each member of the cast brings something special to the show. Her sister, her "gay-bors," her sister's boyfriend...all are excellently cast and very well-played.
Definitely check out "The Sarah Silverman Program." Thank me later."
This Show Is Unbelievable and Indescribable
Stephen M. St Onge | Mpls, MN USA | 11/18/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm not sure whether Sarah Silverman is completely without taste, or has a sort of perverse anti-taste. Sometimes juvenile and offensive, frequently brilliant, usually hilarious, it's hard to know what to say about this program.
The show leaves me disturbed. Disturbed at US America, that it's taste has fallen so low. Disturbed about my wife, who loves it. And disturbed about me, because I like it so much and wouldn't miss an episode. There's definitely something wrong with me for enjoying this stuff so much.
If in doubt after reading the reviews, catch an episode on TV, or rent a disc or something, because I don't like hate mail saying 'You talked me into wasting money on this fertilizer? I hate you, I hate you, die, die, die!!' But if you like it, you'll probably like it an awful lot. Pun intentional.