Sarah Jane Smith
J. Grant | Atlantic Beach, Florida United States | 07/25/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The longest running female character played by the same actress, Elisabeth Sladen, in BBC History.
Sarah Jane Smith is a character from the long running TV Series 'Doctor Who', she was his most beloved companion, and a fan favorite. Sarah Jane traveled with the Doctor from 1973-1976;1983;2006;2008, and has met various Doctors (1st-5th;10th)and various companions (Susan, Victoria, The Brigadier, Harry, K-9, Tegan, Turlough, Rose, Jack, Martha and Donna) along the way.
Sarah Jane was considered the Doctor's bestfriend, and even at one time voted the best side kick by TV Guide, beating out Burt Ward as Robin from the 1966 Batman series.
Sarah Jane was given K-9 Mk3, in the original spin off series 'K-9 and Company' (1981), as a gift from the Doctor. Sarah later appeared with K-9 in the 20th Anniversary episode 'The Five Doctors' (1983)
After a break from the TV screen for 10 years, but featured in various novels, Sarah Jane would return alongside the Brigadier and the 2nd Doctors former companion, Victoria Waterfield in 'Downtime'(1993).
The New Series of 'Doctor Who' returned in 2005, and Elisabeth Sladen was again asked to reprise her role as Sarah Jane Smith alongside K-9 in the episode 'School Reunion' where she met the 10th Doctor (David Tennant).
This spawned another Sarah Jane spinoff 'The Sarah Jane Adventures'. Sarah Jane is given a son, who was created by the Bane mother in 'Invasion of the Bane' (2006), which she name Luke Smith. Together they shared, which can only be described as a series of 'classic era Doctor Who' adventures.
Sarah Jane and Luke Smith returned to 'Doctor Who' in the 2008 2-part series finale 'The Stolen Earth/Journey's End' in an attempt to help stop the Daleks. K-9 was given a brief cameo in the end.
The Sarah Jane Adventures proved so successful that it was given the green light for a second series which begins in 2009.
A surprise announcement for the series, was that another former friend of Sarah Janes and the Doctors, would be returning to series two, again played by Nicholas Courtney, fan favorite 'The Brigadier'.Doctor Who - The Time Warrior (Episode 70)Comeback (Sarah Jane Smith)The Sarah Jane Smith Adventures Sarah Jane & General Kudlak Action Figure SetDoctor Who - The Complete Second SeriesDoctor Who: The Invisible Enemy/K9 and Company: A Girl's Best FriendDoctor Who: The Brain of Morbius No. 84Doctor Who - The Five Doctors (25th Anniversary Edition)Doctor Who - Planet of Evil (Episode 81)Doctor Who - The Sontaran Experiment (Episode 77)Doctor Who - Robot (Episode 75)Doctor Who - Genesis of the Daleks (Episode 78)Doctor Who - The Hand of Fear (Episode 87)Doctor Who - The Ark In Space (Story No. 76)Doctor Who - Pyramids of MarsK-9 Remote Control Dog"
High Quality Children's Entertainment
A. Giesbrecht | 08/16/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Herein is an excellent children's sci fi excellently done. Taking place alongside the latest episodes of Doctor Who are the adventures of investigative journalist (and former Doctor's companion) Sarah Jane Smith, her adopted son Luke, and young neighbors Maria and Clyde. Aliens are falling to Earth every day, Sarah Jane explains, and it's up to people like them to help the good ones and protect the planet from the bad ones.
Most live-action children's shows seem to be the afterthought of their writers and producers (and actors), but the Sarah Jane Adventures is produced with as much sincerity, intelligence, and wit as its parent show. One wouldn't expect such high quality from a show mostly starring child actors, but Yasmin Page (Maria), Tommy Knight (Luke), and Daniel Anthony (Clyde) are natural actors, believable and fun. The adults aren't just there for a paycheck either: Elisabeth Sladen is superb in her latest portrayal of her classic character, Sarah Jane Smith. Joseph Millson is both charming and protective as Maria's dad, Alan. Even Chrissie, played by Juliet Cowan, is interesting in her minor role.
Mixed in with aliens and spaceships are more adult themes, such as Sarah Jane's loneliness, Alan's struggles to protect his daughter, and Maria's perspective of her parents' divorce. But the show is never bogged down by them, portraying a world infused with optimism and adventure, where games turn dangerous, but everybody makes it home in the end.
Come for the scares and laughs, stay for the fine writing and acting, and cheer that the next season starts airing this fall."
Excellent Entertainment for Children, good for old doctor wh
R. Cox | usa | 08/29/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Doctor Who was once a happy romp through history for the children. Nothing too scary, nothing too complex, nothing too controversial. At some point, perhaps Tom Baker, Dr. Who became something not accessible to children. A little too scary, a little to adult. Targeted to older teens. As one commentary on Doctor Who mentioned, there is certain expectation when you put a girl in leathers on TV after the football.
I enjoy The Sarah Jane Adventures because it harks back to that time when Doctor Who was suitable for children. Certainly the new updated Doctor is targeted to older teens and adults, while Torchwoord is strictly not in prime time. It is nice to have balance.
What I don't like about the Sarah Jane Adventures is that it falls all too often into that most wicked formula of the monster of the week killed by magic. Doctor Who was on some level cerebral, and it would be nice if problems were solved by ingenuity and not by magic. It is the sonic screwdriver issue. At some point the plot devices get in the way of the story. One plot device, such as the TARDIS, is tolerable. Multiple plot devices can be overwhelming. Sarah Jane is the original plucky, bright girl. She does not need Mr. Smith to solve all her problems."
Sarah Jane Advantures Season 1
Joseph Allen | 08/15/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"With Season Two under production in the UK, Sarah Jane, Voted Doctor Who's favorate Companion even over Rose in a recent DWM poll is shown in her first successful TV series. Telling stories worthy of Doctor Who's current series the show was aimed at the Dr's original target group Children. The shows are a bit younger in the writting but still have the quallity that have marked the New series of Doctor Who. The improvements to the Silveen are out of this world I love the Thin Suits. After the Adventures of K-9, a Girls best Friend went flop, for lack of story more than any other reason in the late 1970's, we all thought Sarah was gone, wrong, she's back, and shows no sign of leaving us soon. She has stated she feels her time of visiting the Doctor is done following the final show of Season 4 of Doctor Who, however she is still going strong her, and the new producer is looking to bring K-9 back intothe stories more in season 3, so watchout more are comming. Now does revlon carry sonic lipsticks?"