Great Companion for Flashing Steel
B. Fuller | United States | 01/19/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great Intermediate companion DVD for Flashing Steel, 2nd edition: Mastering Eishin-Ryu Swordsmanship.
It covers the following
Tying an Obi
How to Wear the Hakama
How to fold the Hakama
Sword Etiquette (Reiho)
Postures (Kamae)
Drawing Cuts (Nukitsuke) - 2 New Cuts
-- Kiri Age
-- Tsukikage
Two Handed Cuts (Kirioroshi) - 2 New Cuts
-- Migi Gyaku Kesa
-- Hidori Gyaku Kesa
Thrusts (Tsuki) - 2 New Thrusts
-- Ushiro
-- Morote
Forms (Kata) - 4 New Kata
-- Shato
-- Shihoto Sono Ichi
-- Shihoto Sono Ni
-- Zantotsuto
Drills (Batto Ho Kumitachi) - 2 New
-- Tsukikage
-- Suigetsuto
Cutting Matts (Suemonogiri)
-- San Dan Giri
-- Yon Dan Giri
For all the Cuts and the forms, the DVD talks you through the task while it is being demonstrated. Then the DVD does a slow motion demo and then a real time demo.
For the Drills, the DVD talks you through the task while the two demo the task. Then the drills are done in real time twice. Once from the front and once from the back.
Production values are first rate (there is a noticeable hiss on some occasions and some aliasing with the striped pants but other than that very good), the demonstrations are masterful, and the voice "acting" is acceptably good."