A review by an average joe.
Charles L. Atkins | St. Louis | 01/04/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, so I'd had a couple of swords hanging on my wall for a while now. Both very good and combat ready, but I didn't know the first thing about how to use 'em. Yeah, we've all seen the Samurai movies, and those guys make it look so easy, right? However, I'm not gonna start swinging around a sharp blade without first learning something about it. So I thought this was a solid investment.
After watching the first little bit (Blah, blah, sword terminology, yadda, yadda, tradition, etc.)I started learning. And learning a lot. First and foremost, what I was doing WRONG. Now it had my attention.
Yes, this is a "Basics" DVD. They're not gonna make you an instant badass off of one video. This is the building blocks of it all, like, oh, for instance, HOW TO HOLD A SWORD IN THE FIRST PLACE! You'd be amazed how many are doing it wrong. Even in those fancy samurai movies. Hell, I was doing it wrong! This is some seriously great stuff. If you're looking to learn how to take care of your sword, know your sword, and know how to USE your sword, this is a great buy. I'm looking forward to getting the next two as well.
.......When I've got the basics down. :)"
Excellent in every way
magellan | Santa Clara, CA | 11/11/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This video deals with the MJER (muso jikiden eishen-ryu) style of iaido, which is probably the most popular and has a very large number of kata (around 60, and even more if one includes the jodo techniques and waza), providing great diversity and range in the techniques and waza.
I am primarily an instructor of other arts (Kali & JKD), but earned my black belt under Hanshi Shimabukuru a few years back. I wanted to get some knowledge and skill in this famous art even though my main interests lay elsewhere.
I'm glad I did, and that I hooked up with Hanshi's organization. It's a class act in every way, from the quality of the instruction to the people involved, who have always been very professional and dedicated in their desire to disseminate the art of iaido. To help with that end Hanshi came out with this volume.
I've seen many iaido books and videos and sets and this is still my favorite one. This volume goes over basic techniques and principles that are essential to the art, from how to hold the sword to the basic drawing and sheathing techniques. It also covers some etiquette, construction of the sword and its parts, cutting straw mats, and a bit of history. I own the earlier five volume series that Hanshi did back in the 90s also, and that's worth picking up too and has all the waza series, from basic to advanced. Overall a fine video that will help you get started in your iaido studies, or to help you review if you already have an instructor."