Mugen's a buck wild warrior - violent, thoughtless and womanizing. Jin is a vagrant ronin - mysterious, traditional, well-mannered and very strong as well. These two fiercely independent warriors can't be any more differ... more »ent from one another, yet their paths cross when Fuu, a ditzy waitress, saves them from being executed when they are arrested after a violent swordfight. Fuu convinces the two vagrant young men to help her find a mysterious samurai "who smells of sunflowers." And their journey begins. This is a story about love, friendship and courage . . . . NOT! Limited Edition BANDANA and Filler box (4 color print) included« less
Stylish genre- and era-bending action from Watanabe
Sheryl Weidner | Redmond, WA United States | 10/06/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Samurai Champloo is the long-awaited next project from Cowboy Bebop director Shinichiro Watanabe. His two short films in the Animatrix compilation (Kid's Story and Detective Story) give American audiences a sneak peek at the phenomenal art style of this series, but they barely hint at the jaw-dropping action and unorthodox blend of history and music contained therein.
The first four episodes of Champloo introduce its three protagonists: the vagrant swordsman Mugen, the rogue samurai Jin, and the tea-shop waitress Fuu. This unlikely and volatile trio begin a road journey through post-shogunate Japan (ca. 1780), brought together by circumstances best seen to be believed.
"Champloo" means mixed-up or stir-fry, and that's what this series is: a stylish blend of old school values and situations, meshed with more modern sensibilities, fighting styles, and visual design. Over the lush, dynamic art, a soundtrack of some of the best hip-hop from modern Japan plays. Though it's a noticeable device in the first few episodes, it doesn't take long before the music feels like second nature despite the anachronism.
Champloo is many things: a mature drama, an action series, an uproariously funny comedy and a visual feast. Watanabe-san demonstrates here that the success of Cowboy Bebop was uniquely his, and no fluke - fans of that series will not be disappointed, despite how radically different the two storylines are from one another.
As the first title card of the first episode of Samurai Champloo says, "Just shut up and watch.""
A spicy dish served up hot!
Zack Davisson | Seattle, WA, USA | 10/08/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Champloo" is an Okinawan word (more properly pronounced champuru) meaning "mix" or "blend," and is most often applied to traditional food dishes such as "Goya Champloo" or "Stir-fried Champloo." It's basically a mixed stir-fry with a seemly infinite number of potential ingredient, and a very fitting description of Watanabe Shinichiro's new series "Samurai Champloo," an eclectic blend of ancient and modern, hip-hop and koto, and pretty much everything else thrown into the mix.
Watanabe is a heck of a chef, and manages to balance such dissonant elements as a bookish but deadly Ronin (Jin), a wild sword-swinging roustabout (Mugen) and a kooky but determined waitress (Fuu) into a tasty dish worthy of his previous concoction "Cowboy Bebop." Each ingredient supports the flavor of the other perfectly, creating a variety of story possibilities that couldn't be found by following just one personality. Hip-hop music sets the background for a Japan where a wild swordfighter uses capoeira moves to slice and dice with a fury, and an enormous man known as the Oni smashes skulls with his massive club.
This first DVD sets the stage accordingly, with the trio being pushed into an unhappy alliance, attempting to split up, and finding their destinies inexorably intertwined. Fuu leads them on a quest for the "Samurai who smells of Sunflowers," providing the McGuffin that keeps the story moving.
Watanabe's trademark style is on fine display, with smooth animation and a quick and flowing story punctuated with quiet moments of reflection. The story builds at a good pace, allowing all the characters to develop in time. If "Cowboy Bebop" is anything to go by, we can expect quite the ride and explosive finish to "Samurai Champloo""
Mugen's the name pal, you got that?
jay | 01/08/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"WOW! that's one word that comes to mind. WOW! ever since tenchi muyo was taken off the air, their has not been any anime shows that have interested me. for years i searched, never finding anything worth watching. then, i sort of gave up. i would occasionaly check adult swim for any signs of a new great anime but to no avail. then one night it happened: i saw the second episode of Samurai Champloo air on adult swim. at first, i wasnt paying attention to the words and action. i was looking at what had caught my eye when i was flipping channels: THE ANIMATION! the artwork was incredible!the colors that were used to draw the characters and the world they were interacting in made it seem real. it was almost as if it was a sitcom, with real people. only tis was completly animated. it was eye-popping!then, i started to watch the show itself and the show was great!!! anyway, since then i have been addicted to the series and i have six of the volumes. but alas, the last one (number seven) comes out this month on the 17th. the show is coming to an end. so anyway, im going to write reviews for each of the volumes and rate them. i rated volume one of samurai champloo below:
episode one: tempestuous temperaments- jin, mugen and fuu meet for the first time. mugen is looking for a challenge and hears about three "bad asses" and sends some cowards to go get them. mugen however, does not know that jin has killed them already. mugen mistakes jin as one of the "bad asses" and attatcks him. a brilliant fight insues, and jin mugen and fuu end up travling together.
i rate episode one a 10/10
episode two: redeye reprisal- mugen cut a mans arm off in episode one. in this episode, the man is out for revenge. the man recruits an ogre by the name of oniwaka to help him exact revenge on mugen. also, jin encounters a highly skilled assasin who has been hired to kill him. another great fight. and last of all, our modest (cough) fuu gets smashed.
i rate this episode 9/10
episodes 3 & 4: hellhounds for hire part one and two- the three heros part ways but fate eventually brings them back together. jin is hired by a gang as a bodygaurd. mugen is hired as a bodyguard by a rival gang. fuu is tricked into capture and is forced to work in a broffel house.
i give both episodes 3&4 10/10
thats the end of my review for volume one of samurai champloo.
if you are new to the series check out my reviews for each volume to see if you want to get the volumes. i will say this, they are really expensive. but they are worth the money. i get them at best buy and they are 24.99 plus tax and each volume has four episodes on it. if you have not bought this dvd and are debating weither it is good or not, i reccomend you buy it. i can personally vouch for this dvd. of course, its always good to check other reviews by different people as well.
i hope this review helped."
Innovative, kickass anime
Paula J. O'keefe | Washington Grove, MD USA | 01/15/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"There's just nothing out there like Samurai Champloo. Created, directed and masterminded by the brilliant Shinichiro Watanabe, it uses hip-hop the way his classic "Cowboy Bebop" uses bebop jazz--not so much as soundtrack music, but as a motif and a defining overall style. Flavored with sassy anachronisms, Champloo is nonetheless set in the last gasp of the era of Samurai Japan, when the boundaries are breaking down on all sides, and three stray-cat kids--a teahouse waitress with a secret, a quiet and deadly ronin with a dark crime in his past, and a tattooed wild boy from Ryuukyuu with a lot to learn--meet and form an alliance none of them expected. Their quest: to find the Sunflower Samurai, for reasons only Fuu (the waitress) knows. Their problem; in their initial battle, neither Jin (the cool elegant ronin) nor Mugen (the island wildboy) was able to so much as scratch the other, and thus was born a vow that neither is allowed to die at the hands of anyone else--forming a strange protective alliance that might even be a friendship. Who knows?
In episodes 3/4 they end up on opposite sides of a yakuza war; they have a long way to go. I promise if you watch this DVD you will want the rest; the visual techniques are outstandingly state-of-the-art, the synch of music and action is top-notch, and Jin and Mugen's swordfight in the teahouse is one of the coolest ever, anywhere, I mean it."
I proudly eat my shoe
T. Altman Jr. | 06/07/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When I first heard of this I openly mocked my friends that told me about it and the idea. For one, I HATE hip hop. I was an addictions counselor for 2 years and ALL the clients listened to was hip hop. Drove. Me. Mad. Second, I like my anime set in the future.
So hip hop and samurai means obviously this would suck, right? Well... I must admit I am wrong. It doesn't suck. In fact, I just may commit sacrilidge here, but I enjoy SC more than Cowboy Bebop. Everything about this show seems so finely crafted and integrated, I can't even imagine it without the intercut hip hop. The second episode is my favorite on this set, and I hope we see the assasin again. My only complaint is the first episode gets a LITTLE crazy with the "record scratching" effect, but no episode since then uses it so much so it is easily forgiveable.
I've gotten all three SC dvd's that are released in the states so far and it has quickly become my favorite anime series of all time (although to keep that title we'll have to see how the end of this series compares to the end of Full Metal, which I also haven't seen!).
Give it a shot, fun characters, fun adventures and some really cool action."