Screw Van Halen, this is what I'm talking about!
Adam Briggs | Burlington, VT | 06/01/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In one of the most unfair and stupid events ever to happen in rock n' roll, Sammy Hagar was considered a joke when he took over for David Lee Roth in Van Halen. I'm a fan of Van Halen, but to me this proves how stupid and shallow the average Van Halen fan is. It's blatantly obvious that Sammy Hagar crushes DLR as an artist, a singer, and I would strongly suspect, a decent and intelligent human being. I saw the both of them when they did a tour together and Sammy blew DLR out of the water. DLR and his band embarrassed themselves so badly that it cemented in my mind what I already knew, DLR is a joke and a novelty while Sammy is a true artist and master entertainer. I would much rather see Sammy and the Wabos than Van Halen with DLR.
This DVD is simply phenomenal. It is one of the most rockin' and fun concert DVD's I've ever seen. The 60 year old red rocker never slows down for the entire show, and his band is just incredible. Watching this DVD I felt like I was in Cabo partying it up with Sammy and his band. It's like his own giant tequila party and everyone in the audience is his guest. The highlight of the stage show is the giant pinata in the shape of a Cabo Wabo bottle which Sammy smashes open with his guitar releasing confetti. As far as fun, quality rock n' roll, it doesn't get much better than this people. I've seen Van Halen with Sammy and it was a great show, but I have to say this is better. Based on youtube videos I've seen of the new Van Halen incarnation, it's very easy for me to be part of the Hagar/Anthony camp rather than the Eddy "biggest Dbag in rock n' roll" Van halen/David Lee "washed up hack" roth camp."