Currently Available DVDs (5) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (55)2015 - Law Order The Nineteenth Year 2015 - War Flowers with Bonus Movies Gore Vidal's Lincoln / The Surrender at Appomattox 2015 - Capricorn One (Blu-ray) 2014 - Law Order The Fifteenth Year 2014 - Law Order The Seventeenth Year 2014 - Law Order The Sixteenth Year 2014 - Law Order The Fourteenth Year 2014 - Killing Fields 30th Anniversary (Blu-ray) 2013 - Sweet Revenge 2013 - Law Order The Twelfth Year 2012 - Law Order The Eleventh Year 2012 - Wild Bill and Rancho Deluxe (Jeff Bridges) 2012 - Civil War Anniversary Collection Gore Vidal's Lincoln / The Surrender at Appomattox 2011 - Law Order The Fifth Year 2010 - Sweet William 2010 - The Matthew Shepard Story 2008 - Oppenheimer 2007 - The Best of the Tony Awards The Plays 2006 - The Enemy Within 2006 - Warning Sign 2006 - Man in the Moon / Benny and Joon 2005 - Echoes From the White House 2005 - Dempsey 2004 - Thomas Jefferson A Film by Ken Burns 2004 - Lewis Clark - The Journey of the Corps of Discovery 2004 - The Civil War A Film by Ken Burns 2004 - The Civil War - A Film by Ken Burns 2004 - Lewis Clark - The Journey of the Corps of Discovery 2004 - David's Mother 2004 - Miracle at Midnight 2003 - David's Mother 2003 - Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie (Broadway Theatre Archive) 2003 - The Journey of August King 2002 - Much Ado About Nothing / New York Shakespeare Festival (Broadway Theatre Archive) 2002 - The Civil War - A Film by Ken Burns 2002 - Hopscotch - Criterion Collection 2001 - Thomas Jefferson 2001 - Lewis Clark - The Journey of the Corps of Discovery 2001 - September 2001 - The Killing Fields 2000 - Rancho Deluxe 2000 - Heaven's Gate 1999 - Serial Mom 1998 - Capricorn One Swimming to Cambodia