Worst stand up DVD ever put out
Z. Freeman | Austin, TX | 05/12/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The last thing I want to do is come off sounding like an up-tight prude who dislikes Sam Kinison or any raunchy comedian because of the subject matter they discuss. I'm not easily offended. Comedy is comedy is comedy and offending people is part of the territory, and when it's true it's even better. That being said...
This 45 minute bit of stand up by Sam Kinison is probably the worst stand up routine I've ever seen released on DVD. I have no idea why anyone would release this on DVD, except to try to make Kinison look bad. Seriously. He's got much better material out there, and much better performances. Plus, the entire DVD is only 45 minutes long with no intro our outro at all, and no extras... except for a textual biography about Kinison.
For 45 minutes Kinison struts around stage making uncomfortably unfunny homophobic jokes, discussing different drugs to take while having sex, making fun of lepers, and then yelling into the microphone a lot. I think I might have laughed twice. The rest of the time I was just amazed at how unfunny all his bits actually were.
The real topper, though, is the final bit in which he declares that every man in the audience has had his heart crushed by some woman some time and asks a man for his ex-girlfriend's phone number and attempts to call her on stage with the help of his assistants (two women dressed in black dominatrix-esque outfits). After two unsuccessful attempts at completing a phone call, after which Kinison starts to get a little testy with them, the call finally goes through... and the girl's not there. So, he yells at her roommate and then hangs up and thanks the audience and leaves. It's one of the most awkward, failed finales I've ever seen. That's about the only interesting part of this entire DVD.
If you're interested in comedy or Kinison avoid this DVD. You will definitely be disappointed."