Excellent English language production. ADV rocks!
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a fantastic English languiage production of the hugely popular Japanese series. The voiceover work that ADV produces is splendid. They have managed to get great performances that truly fit the characters. The transfer looks beautiful, and the sound is impeccable. The script is intelligently translated--and the dialogue actually fits the mouth flaps really well! There are some nice extras, especially the subtitle-free opening and closing credits. Of course, you can watch the show in its original Japanese or in the (again, excellent) English dub. I really like the dub on this one. I don't know where ADV gets the actors they use, but they're all terrific. Even minor characters are expertly voiced. I can't wait until Vol. 2 comes out. If you like ADV productions, Sakura Wars movie, or just good Anime in general, get this DVD."
Good Series and Excellent Dubbing! ADV films Rules
Mami | Somewhere | 12/27/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Sakura Wars is a great series. ADV films did a fantastic job realsing this series.
Sakura Wars is a fantastic series you wont be disaponted
The ova and movie can be boring but the tv series rules."
Sakura to the Rescue...
Marc Ruby? | Warren, MI USA | 10/10/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I'm not quite sure why I never paid any attention to this series. Other than the fact that robot fighting machines are not my preferred anime genre, especially when manned by psychic young ladies who tend to be nasty or grumpy with each other. After a brief momentary lapse in which I viewed that introductory OVA and actually enjoyed it I decided to check out the series. While the story is indeed what I thought it was, it's also something else entirely, and that hard to define something else is what makes this series a success where similar stories fail.
Sakura Shinjugi is a young woman with a talent for spiritual swordsmanship. She is called to Tokyo to join the Imperial Flower Combat Troop and defend the capital from demonic invasions. What Sakura finds, a theatrical troop that spends their off hours riding giant robots and slaughtering demons, is not quite what she expected. She starts off on the wrong foot with everyone especially Kanzaki Sumire - obnoxious grand-daughter of the man who has invented the spiritual armor the troop uses, Maria Tachibana - first captain of the team, and Iris Chateaubriand - a very young and powerful psychic.
Part of Sakura's problems come from finding herself in a team, when she has previously been alone. She starts off rushing into things without any thought, to the discomfiture of all. She lacks self confidence, and fears her own powers. Even so, by the end of this first DVD she has found a niche and we, as viewer. Have reached a level of comfort with the dynamics of the team. Other than Sumire, for whom there is no hope at all.
There actually isn't all that much fighting in these first episodes. What makes things tick is the writing and acting, which are surprisingly good for a television series of this type. The artwork is well done as well, which a lot of use of shadow and close shots to build the atmospherics. As I did the film, I found myself enjoying the DVD in spite of myself. It's easy enough to see why Sakura Wars became a hit."