Pretty Good Start
SK | 06/21/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Saiyuki Reload Gunlock is the third series installment in the adventures of Sanzo, Goku, Gojyo, and Hakkai: four travelers on their way to India to prevent a demon resurrection. The first Saiyuki series was by far the best so far, with awesome character development and intriguing storylines. The sequel, Saiyuki Reload, paled in comparism for the most part, although it did a fairly good adaptation of the end of the manga toward the end. So far Gunlock appears to be a step up from Reload, but still not as good as the first series.
The English voices are the same as Reload, and the art is very similar if not the same as Reload, as well. (Which is a shame, since the original character designs were more appealing to me.) The first episode is a filler, though, it's not a complete recap/reintroduction episode. The remaining episodes follow the story arc from the Saiyuki Reload manga volume 2. It's a faithful adaptation, although, I still feel like some of the characterizations are slightly off. It's an exciting storyline, so it's enjoyable to watch.
Overall, this series is already starting out better than Reload. Hopefully the rest of the series will continue in this vein. For anyone but the most hardcore fan, don't bother with Reload. (Though, DVDs 5-7 were pretty good.) Although Kougaiji's situation from Reload trails into Gunlock, if you keep up with the manga, you should know what's going on. Instead, just start up with Gunlock."
Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Vol 1. What a great way to start the
Martha Mullins | Selma, Alabama USA | 05/18/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The series starts off as Sanzo and party are still traveling to India. However, new obstacles are standing in their way... like a new enemy... and an old one. Still, the past haunt our 4 travelers as they journey west.
There are FUNNY and very dramatic moments in the first volume of Gunlock. I have to say it is the best disc of the start of a season I have ever experienced. I can't wait to see where the rest of the series leads Sanzo and the others... and if they will EVER get to India."