Simply Great
AnimeWeird | 09/20/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I own every last volume in this great series and volume 12 ranks as one of the best. It culminates the FIRST SEASON, got that fans? FIRST SEASON, their are two more seasons in Japan as I write this, they are: Saiyuki Reload (25 episodes), and Saiyuki Reload Gunlock (? episodes). Google it if you don't trust me.
Anyway, the final battle against Homura and his minions is about to commence in this great spin off of the old chinese tale "Journey to the West". By the end of the final episode, you will find yourself sympathizing with the enemy and be confused as to certain unanswered questions (like why the jade emperor hasn't been killed yet).
I'll leave off there as I don't want to spoil it."
Towering Conclusion to the Season
Marc Ruby? | Warren, MI USA | 03/06/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As one might suspect, this series ends in a feverish pace. Starting with Episode 46 on the previous DVD the battle at Konran tower is a classic chase. Homura has prepared a series of traps and battles to provide the time and energy needed to fuel the ritual to create a new universe. One that is without the gods and humans that have made his own life a misery.
First Hakkai, and then Gojyo face battles that recall their demonic sides. During Gojyo's battle he must confront the stepmother who persistently rejected, playing on his own inability to recognize the relationship as abusive. At the critical moment Kougaiji's group (the folks trying to resurrect the demon Gyuuma Ou) shows up, making things even more complicated and adding some surprise twists.
Now it is time for the final battles against Zenon and Shien. Here there is a shift from individual challenges to teamwork against overwhelming power. Honor plays a greater part then it has before to create a context where the inevitable outcomes are more befitting gods, and the struggle begins to take on a spiritual context.
Further up the tower Sanzo and Goku face Homura in a carefully orchestrated struggle that makes traps Goku in the magical ritual. We see for the second time in the series Goku as he was before being released and controlled by Sanzo, and once again we come to understand that of all the characters, the little monkey king is by far the most powerful.
The finale is almost elegiac in structure as the original team reforms and the story plays out in the paradise of Homura's creation. Without giving things away to much, it is enough to say that this is the conclusion deserved by the tremendous efforts of the previous 49 episodes - action, some very poignant touches, and an almost whimsical ending. And the promise that there just might be more someday, if we are good.
Actually, there are two more seasons already done in Japan (this was a Chinese epic, remember). The release of the second season - Saiyuki Reload - has been announced, so we have a lot to look forward to. Although I have no idea how they could ever top this. On the other hand, if it was just as good, I would be a very happy fan."
Saiyuki is more than it appears
Aya | Warrington, PA United States | 07/22/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Saiyuki is one of the best animes out there. It shows real team work and the pains of living. It shows just how much four people can make a difference in chaos. I highly reconmend this DVD and all of the others. I personally have every one up to this day that have came out. This one is just the next...
With any further questions e-mail me:"