Sailor Moon returns
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This dvd contains the first 6 epsiodes ranging somewere in between 15 and 25 minutes per episode. A word of warning this is the uncut versions of the epsiodes and has some mild violence, and a couple of parts with brief mild nudity like during the open credits theme song and during the transformation of Sailor moon and min moon. This series has a new group of villans from a circus show have come. They seak the mystic horse Pegasus who can only survive in the human world by appearing in the dream. He choose young Rine who first traveled back in time from the future in sailor moom season II. Renny has again returned to the persent with Sorina aka Sailor moon. It doesnot seem that Rennya has figured out yet that Sailor moon is here mother yet. In thge first epsidoe Pegasus comes to Renya in here dreams. Ask her to tell no one what she has seen. unfortunately and evil circus being with supernatural powers Tiger eys attack a girl use a mirror to go through here bod and check here dream. During the battle Pegasus appears and trasnforms sailor moon and min mon into there super forms. In episode 2 the villians appear again this time attacking a young horse trainner. This time sailor moon mini moon and all the sailor scoots except for Pluto show up. The only times in the series when you see the tall 5 foot 4 130 pound well built Sailor Pulito is in the epsiodes when the Sailor scotts travel through time. I believe the first time you see Pluto is midway through season II or sometime in the middle of super S. In addition we also have a third talking cat in this series called Diana who is the daughter Luna who's been in the series since the begining and Artemis who came in the middle of season II. I have not got to the episode yet when Diana arrives in the present yet I guess that happens sometime in the middle of epsiode 6. If youn enjoyt this I also recommend the sonic volumes."