Episodes #140-145
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The third DVD of Pegasus series! Another masterpiece of Sailor Moon stories to see. First there is a wedding dress for Serena !?!, next Nina does some two-timing, Diana gets caught talking?? a head chef romance, the beach scene where Sammy protects the gals, while his eyes are only for Ami, Pegasus introducing a new transformation for the Sailor Scouts, and lastly Serena taking ballerina lessons (blach!)This series just gets better, especially since you can finally read the subtitles of what the storyline is REALLY about! Thank you Pioneer!!"
Pegasus Collection 3
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great DVD and any sailor Moon fan should get it!There are 6 uncut eps 1.Love Those Minis!The fashionable Soldiers2.Storm of love!Minako's(Mina's)Grand 2 Timing Plan3.Mansion of Secrets!The Menu of Love 2 U4.Time 2 Believe the Pegasus!The Super Transformations of the 4 Soldiers5.Sparkling Summer Days!Ami(Amy)the Girl in the Ocean Breeze6.Aim 4 the Prima!Usagi's(Serena's)Ballet
These r some of the funniest eps in the season.U also find out out(the dub can't hide it)that Fish Eye is a man.But I'd stick with the sub.(I don't have much of a problem with the dub,but the sub is a lot better.)This is a great DVD and anyone should buy it! ^^"
sailor_gohan | Denver, Colorado | 02/19/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you are a new fan to sailor moon and japanese anime cartoons, let me fill you in on the deal. Sailor moon is about a 15 year old girl named usagi who is incharge of pretecting the world so that she may someday become the queen of the moon. It might sound weird now but let me tell you, the show is definitely worth a look. Anyways, this dvd was the first I bought and it most definitely acceeded my expectations. This dvd opens up with the story of the fashion designer and his dream stealer fish eye. In this episode we find out fish eye is really a guy and that the U.S. dub can not hide the fact o.0 but the most exighting episode on this dvd is the one showing the four inner scouts transformation into super sailor scouts. Hope this was helpful and I hope you don't just take my word for it, you check this show out ^-^"