Sailor Neptune, Uranus and Pluto will do anything they can to prevent the awakening of the Messiah of Silence slumbering within Hotaru. However, theDeath Busters kidnap Chibi-Usa and use her heart crystal's energy to revi... more »ve the Messiah! Even though the Sailor Soilders fight valiantly, Sailor Moon loses the Holy Grail to the Messiah of Silence and the outlook becomes dismal. Where is the legendary Messiah when we need her?« less
"Avid watchers of the show will agree that Sailor Moon Super is the best series, arguabley even better in its original Japanese format. This DVD allows you to watch each episode in English, or Japanese, with the option of subtitles. The extra features include biographical accounts on each Senshi, with little pictures of them.
This is the final DVD within the series, and includes 7 episodes. The series climax comes at episodes 4 and 5, with the last two as more of a series summary, and promo for Sailor Moon Super S.
The final episodes in the series see the awakening of the Messiah Of Silence, and chaos begins to occur in Tokyo as a result. There are some teary scenes with Hotaru and Sailor Moon, and the final battle between the sailor senshi and Death Busters.
I always find Sailor Moon finale's to be a lot darker in content than early in the series, and this one is no acception. If you scare easy, there are some scary scenes which take place within the evil walls of Maugen Academy. Its really the whole atmosphere the episodes have. You get a real sense that the Silence is coming.
As a Moonie, I may be showing bias, but this DVD is excellent! All the things you love about Sailor Moon are in this finale. The show has the ability to make you laugh, cry and to hum Japanese songs in your head all day. (The DVD includes the Japanese theme tune Moonlight Densetsu and the closing theme Tuxedo Mirage). If you think you might buy it and never watch it more than once, you are probably wrong! If you aren't much of a Sailor Moon fan, again I say buy it, and I promise you will be!"
Saturn's Finest hour
Aozame | In the Trees | 10/25/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the final volume of Sailor Moon SThis DVD is basically the whole ending of the series. Unlike the episodes prior to this one, many of which were only loosely connected, the episodes on this disc are like one long episode. This episode contains Sailor Saturn's first (and last) dub appearance (She won't appear again until Sailor Moon SailorStars, which might not ever get released in America). The last episode is kind of pointless, but it's not that bad. the final battle with Pharoah 90 is dramatic and exciting (even though you can't actually see any of it) This is the end of the SMS series, and while it isn't best season ending for Sailor Moon (As far as I'm concerned, Sailor Moon vs. Beryl was the best) but it's a cool ending. It's also the last time you will see the Outer Senshi in an American Sailor Moon release unless someone dubs Stars."
Konnichiwa, Minna-san!!!
Jasmine | New York | 08/04/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Irashaimase, okyaku-sama!!!!
Anyway, I was really psyched with this CD. I totally missed the Sailor Moon boom of the US cause I actually hated the series. The awful voices, terrible acting, and the fact that anime was still the newest thing had something to do with that. American cartoons had none of the inherent silliness of anime and manga, and so the stupidity of Usagi-chan (or Usagi no baka!! as Chibi-usa-chan herself says) really turned a lot of people off. They never stayed on to watch the rest of the series to find that Usagi-chan has grace under fire, is really very sweet (and has the most kawaii voice in Japanese) and the series has such a great story and storyline, not to mention excellent character development. And of course, the handsome Tomoe-sensei with the patented maniacal laugh of the century!
Anyway, I'm supposed to be talking about the CD, not the series. Well, I bought the CD only because I wanted to finally see Hotaru-chan in motion, not just through downloaded video-clips. Not to mention Sailor Saturn (my favorite!!!!!!). In any event, this DVD has very little of Hotaru-chan, and you only really get to see her in the first show, and a bit at the end. It's the tape before this that has more Hotaru-chan in it, but I got the ending first.
Quality of DVD: Excellent. The animation really is great, even to this day it holds it's own, unlike other old cartoons. The art is great, though sometimes a little shaky, but any cartoon is like that. The best-drawn scenes are of course the ones that are repeated over and over again, like henshin and attack scenes.
Extras: What extras? I think they should have a bit more effort into the extras, but we don't buy DVDs for extras now, do we? A few pics of Minako-chan does not qualify as an extra, even with the short bio.
DVD Setup: Great! Go under `scene access' and you can watch any show starting from any point! You can watch or skip the title song, watch the show from the beginning or the middle, and when it's over it continues on to the next show, so you can keep watching without stopping if you want to. Or you can just start from the way beginning and watch all two and a half hours or song, show and everything at one shot!!! The songs are the title song, Miracle Romance (or Mirakoru Romanusu!) and Tuxedo Mirage.
Dub vs. Sub: There's no argument there; watch the sub. The subtitles are kind of big and yellow, larger than I'm used to, but much, much better than the dubbed version. In the dub, Usagi-chan (Serena, actually) sounds awful, Makoto-chan (Lita) sounds like a care-bear (yes I watch care bears, don't you?! You don't?! Uhhh...anyway...) and they can't pronounce Hotaru-chan's name for their lives. Not that I'm a Japanese expert, but at least I can say a name properly. Drop the US accent, guys, ok? The voices of the Japanese sub are perfect; great actors, great voices and the dialogue is so much less corny. Tuxedo Kamen-sama is sooo gorgeous in Japanese. O-O Oh, and I looove Haruka-san and her voice and the way she yells STOP!! and stuff like that. Don't worry though, this DVD has no shoujo-ai stuff going on. Too bad.
So why did they change the dialogue in the dub? Let me explain: sayings, metaphors and even puns can change meanings from one language to the other. Even things considered funny in Japanese might fail to evoke a giggle from an American audience. For example, in the last show, Minako-chan asks Usagi-chan if the letter from Neo-Queen-Serenity was written in Hiragana. Unless you are an otaku-san, like myself, you will not understand the significance of a grown-up writing in the alphabet-like characters of Japanese rather than the symbols borrowed originally from Chinese. So that has to be changed to Mina asking if the letter was scribbly and messy. Anyway, only otaku-san watch subs anyway, so it doesn't matter. I can't watch the dub, though. Too painful.
In any event, I love the reversible cover. The artwork on it is nice, but Americans just can't draw like Japanese can. I'm not being a biased otaku, seriously, but it's true. I can draw better that most American manga and anime artists I've seen. And I'm a very good judge of art. And I'm very modest.
So what are you waiting for? The end of this review? Stop reading and buy it!!!!!!!!
This is Otaku-sama, signing out!
Poor Sound Quality
Aozame | 10/01/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Excellent series, but for some reason all 6 dvds are in dual mono.
I'm not sure how that happened but it definitely hinders the experience as I've come to enjoy the music so much. The sound becomes overloaded, wavy, distorted and crackled much of the time. Worthy of 5 stars, but Pioneer, you gotta fix that audio track. The english dub is finished and over with but if they really cared about the consumer and their purchase another digital stereo print of the series in japanese could be requested from Toei as Pioneer obviously owns the right to release it. And maybe they could restore the opening sequences to their original episode format as well."
Sailor Saturn
Kaj Skjelstad | Fair Oaks, California United States | 01/16/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is the best of the heart collection if only for the one episode in Super that has Saturn in it."