High school entrance exams are approaching, and Serena and her friends Amy, Raye, Lita, and Mina (Usagi, Ami, Rei, Makoto, and Minako in Japanese) need to study--especially Serena, whose grades have never been good. But... more » Serena is easily distracted. When Haruka appears on the scene, she and the other Scouts immediately fall for him--only to discover "he" is a girl who often dresses as a boy. Haruka is almost always seen with Michiru, but there's nothing to the relationship. Serena is also busy leading the Sailor Scouts into the battle. The evil Professor Tomoe and his assistant Kaorinite keep unleashing shape-shifting daimons to steal the crystalline hearts of the pure, which will enable them to rule the world. The Scouts and Tuxedo Moon need the help of Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus to defeat the evil doers. These powerful, aloof warriors are searching the world for three mysterious and potent talismans. The combined power of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Moon produces the redoubtable weapon, the "Spiral Heart Moon Rod." Many fans rank the Sailor Moon "S" season (the third), which comprises episodes 90 to 127, as the best in the series. More cynical viewers may notice that reused footage makes up about one-third of each episode. Edited versions of these episodes played on the Cartoon Network (and are available on VHS). These uncut episodes are rated 13 and older for violence and brief nudity. --Charles Solomon« less
"I'm one of the lucky few who has seen the Japanese anime of Sailor
Moon S prior to release, and I have to say I love it ^_^. However,
I'm over 18 and I don't have children. I make this point because the
Japanese version of SM contains themes which Cartoon Network (etc.)
were careful to avoid in the dubbed translation. Again we see the
Sailor Senshi share battles & friendship, learn morals, besides
prep hard for High School entrance exams. HOWEVER, SM-S also brings
in the addition of Uranus and Neptune who in the U.S. series are
cousins, but in the Japanese series are lovers. Lesbian themes play
out time and again during the first half of the S series, and also
attractions are hinted at between the two new scouts and some of the
first five. Very young kids probably won't get what's going on, since
no one ever uses the terms "homosexual" or
"lesbian," however any child over 9 (younger if they're
bright or world wise) probably will get it. On the flip side, if
you're one of the parents who's wanted a teaching tool to help explain
about homosexuality, or looking for role models along those lines,
this really is the video for you (well, until SM-Sailor Stars comes
out, anyway -_^).
Of course, if these themes don't bother
you, it is one of the best series of the Sailor Moon story. The
animations is much improved from the first series and SM-R, the
Japanese plot is hangs together much more solid than the English,
scripts are wonderful, and you will be totally drawn into the new
fantasy & enchanted by the final four senshi for our solar system
Sailor Moon Super: Heart Collection I
shishkabibble | USA | 04/18/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Since Cartoon Network stopped airing Sailor Moon on May 3rd, this is the only current way to watch Sailor Moon S until they decide to bring it back! Also, if these DVD's sell well, Sailor Stars, the last current season of Sailor Moon, could come to America. But only if these sell well, because the Japanese company that owns the rights are selling it at a cost too high for it not to sell in America. This DVD contains the 1st 7 episodes of Sailor Moon S. They each keep their original name and are uncut! It also contains extra bonus features. They are: a double sided reversible cover, English and Japanese language tracks, subtitles in english taken directly from the Japanese script, the opening credits without text, and a biography on Sailor Moon/Usagi/Serena. (In Japan, Serenas name is Usagi.) The episodes are as follows:1. "Premonition of World's End? Mysterious New Warriors!" ("Star Struck, Bad Luck" in the American Series) in wich Rei has a vision of the world becomeing silenced. We are introduced to Professor (Doctor) Tomoe and his assistant, Kaorinite and learn that they are after 3 special heart crystals that will destroy Earth. They send a Diamohn (a demon) to steal Rei's (Ray's) pure heart crystal. When the scouts can't defeat it and all hope seems lost, two mysterious girls dressed as sailor soldiers appear and defeat the diamohn. But are they friend or foe?2. "The Rod of Love is Born! Usagi's New Transformation" ("Crystal Clear Again" in America) in wich Momoru (Darien) takes Usagi to an abandoned house where stray kittens live. They meet a young girl whos trying to find homes for the kittens. When the little girls puzzle turns into a diamohn, the senshi (scouts/soldiers) come to the rescue. But they can't defeat it. The new outer senshi, Sailor Uranus and Neptune, appears , they appear to be searching for pure heart crystals like Professor Tomoe. Sailor Moon gets a new power from her love for Momoru. She is now able to defeat the diamohn.3. "A Beautiful Boy? The Secret of Haruka Tenoh" ("Driving Dangerousley" in America) in wich Usagi and Minako (Mina) meet a boy at the arcade. They stalk him all day when they become suspicious that he might have a girlfriend. But when a diamohn comes after his mechanic friend, the senshi is forced into action. Uranus and Neptune come, but the heart crystal is not the one they were looking for and are able to give it back. Usagi and Minako learn that the boy is a girl named Haruka (Amara).4. "Usagis Idol! The Graceful Genious Micharu" ("Bad Harmony" in America) in wich Usagi feels that Momoru will fall out of love with her if she dosen't mature to his colledge level soon. She meets Haruka's friend, Micharu (Michell) who can play the violin. She gives Usagi tickets to a violin concert so she takes Momoru. The violin turns into a daimohn and is after the players pure heart. They defeat it and Uranus and Neptune are able to give it back!5. "Protect the Pure Heart! A Three Way Battle" ("Sweapt Off Her Feat" in America) in wich Usagi's friend dreams of her first kiss. When her vacum cleaner turns into a diamohn and the heart crystal gets carried away by a garbage truck, a race happens between the senshi, the outer senshi, and the diamohn. When the diamohn is defeated, Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon have to battle Sailor Uranus and Neptune for the crystil.6. "Leave it to the Moon for Love Aid" (Blinded By Love's Light" in America) Usagi tries to help her friends, Naru (Molly) and Umino (Melvin), keep their love together by entering them in a dateing game. When they win, their prize turns into a diamohn after Umino's heart. After the diamohn is defeated, will Uranus and Neptune be able to give Umino his heart back?7. Cold Hearted Uranus? Mikato in Trouble" ("Lita Borrows Trouble" in America) in wich Mikato (Lita) becomes fascinated with Haruka (in the subtitles, Haruka is lesbian, but not in the dubb). When Mikato goes for a car ride with Haruka and Michiru, a diamohn comes to steal her heart crystal. The Senshi comes to her aid, but what if Uranus and Neptune have found one of the hearts they need? What will be the fate of Mikato?Buy this DVD today! It's great! And it will help bring Sailor Stars to America! The dub is ok for children 3 and up, but the subtitles are for 13 and up because of language and sexuality!"
Sailor Moon doesn't get better then this.
Brett Schwab | Colorado | 02/02/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Sailor Moon is amongst the best in shoujo animation. When you think of shoujo anime, you automatically think Sailor Moon. I mean, really, Sailor Moon is what introduced me to anime along with over half of America. Sailor Moon has many powerful and emotional scenes, certainly over the heads of younger children. However, it's still a wonderful anime made for young and old alike. Sailor Moon S is my favorite season and will forever remain my favorite. You have to see it in it's original Japanese format or you won't get the best of it. The dubbed version is just awful, and I mean awful! The American voices don't cut it. They just don't bring out the characters like the original Japanese cast. Its most redeeming characters are Michiru and Haruka, and yes, they are lesbians. The love they display on screen is just amazing. I guess it really goes to show you can fall in love with anyone from any sex. Love has no boundaries. The creator of Sailor Moon even verified that they were a lesbian couple. Watch the uncut version with an open mind and you might find the real beauty in Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon."
You must buy this
Mr. P. Reuben | 01/01/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have seen half of SMS in japanese already and it is ok for anyone 10 and up. Their is nothing in the episodes worse than what u see on fox. And it's all tastefully done to reflect a point. Their is no pointless voilence or nudity. Buy this dvd and show your support for Sailor Moon Super the way it was ment to be seen.Now, let's hope for Sera Myu (the Sailor Moon live action musicals) and Sailor Stars."
Don't just sit there, buy it already! :D
Mr. P. Reuben | Leeds, United Kingdom | 05/19/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon is many things. It's a story about an ordinary girl who finds out that she used to a be a princess, and that the sarcastic guy she always used to bump into is her prince. It's a story about some teenage girls who are friends but argue a hell of a lot. It's a story about some superheroes who transform with cheesy (but very catchy) disco music playing in the background. Okay, so it's more of some of those things than of others, but it's still a great show overall :]This is Sailor Moon S, the third series. Many consider this to be the best series out of the 5. I've only seen the episodes on the first 2 DVDs, so I can't say, but what I've seen so far looks pretty good. And this DVD is incredible value for money - you get the uncut subtitled version (my preference but not necessarily everyone's) plus the uncut dub (which has nothing actually cut but is still heavily rewritten in many episodes - not to say that the dub isn't still good in its own right, especially since it uses the original music) of the first 7 episodes. That's 4 VHS tapes on 1 DVD! You also get a pretty cool extra (a karaoke creditless version of the opening) plus a less cool but still interesting extra (a biography and art gallery of Usagi). The video and sound quality aren't exactly brilliant, but that's to be expected for a fairly old show (the zooming problem many fans have complained about is fixed as of half way through disc 2, and even before that it's not too noticeable).The cover art for this series is amazing - probably the best DVD cover art I've seen (the second one's even better, but the first one's still really nice), and if you don't like the one on the front you can turn the insert round to reveal a different cover (with Mercury and Jupiter)! There's lots of cover-reversing fun to be had ^^So basically, unless you're completely opposed to anything involving touching romance, indecisive teenage girls or cheesy disco music, buy this! It's definitely worth your money. Although a better starting point for someone new to Sailor Moon would probably be the R movie (which is also available on a bilingual DVD, the format I recommend), if you want to get right into the series itself this disc would be fine."