Saishuu Heiki Kanojo: Break Up (2nd DVD)
Luis Vargas | Santiago de Chile | 06/01/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"What can I say...I'm one of the lucky ones that has been able to get the japaneese version of Saikano here in Chile, and let me tell you (for those who're going to buy the DVD here in the investment you're about to make truly worths your money. In this DVD, you'll see the saddest and deepest part of the chain of events unleashed when Chise reveals to her boyfriend, Shuji, the truth: She is "The definitive weapon", the last resource of the Japaneese Army against exterior military threats. Here you'll see how weak is the human beeing when it faces death, disaster, but above all, fate. From this moment on, Chise is no longer human and she can trigger herself by just processing a strong feeling as a menace, and therfore she becomes quite dangerous.You'll also see how Tetsu becomes emotionally involved with Chise, and what finally happens to him, which by the way it's very important in the story because he teaches his most valuable thoiught to Chise. On the other hand, Shuji will learn how to express his feelings and ultimately, they will face the final challenge toegether. Yes, love can move mountains... (i won't give you any spoilers about what's coming so you either search for another source or read the comic books as I did, i'm a true fan of Saikano).
You've just got to see this. It will truly bring tears out of your eyes for hours, and it will leave you thinking about your own existance and the way you spend every minute of your life.
Beeing myself a true otaku, I can tell you this is THE best anime in several years. Shin Takehashi made some extraordinary job with this story that was supposed to be compiled in 4 episodes but finally took 13. You make your own conclussions when you get to wathc this incredible story."