Content EXCELLENT... Sound has problems
Kim | NJ, USA | 09/14/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First the bad news.... this DVD has some sound issues. Sometimes Super Safe Chick is speaking but the instrumental music is drowning her out. We found ourselves constantly raising and lowering the volume since things are happening so fast in the movie. It may just be a defect in our particular DVD.... we will check into it.
Now the good news! This is an EXCELLENT movie to teach kids about protecting themselves from strangers. Super Safe Chick (SSC)is VERY VERY funny! My dd actually wants to dress up as her for Halloween. So many clever things in this when SSC is in certain situations she wears clothing that is either Green (in safe situations), Amber (in cautious ones) and Red (in danger type situations). She teaches the kids about the 3 types of people in their lives ("Safe Side Adults" - mom, dad, and others whom mom and dad have given their trust, "Kinda Knows" - family friends, neighbors, coaches, teachers, and "Don't Knows" - anyone not in the other 2 categories)
The movie shows certain situations - ie standing in line at the ice cream truck - SSC is in her red outfit, hanging at home she is in her green outfit until the doorbell rings... her outfit turns red and she is upset because she knows she shouldn't answer the door without her Safe Side Adult present. The doorbell keeps ringing and getting louder and she gets louder herself saying "Some people hate hearing the doorbell ring and they want to answer it - but I won't! My Safe Side Adult is not here"...then her mom appears and they open the door together and she is back in her green outfit. VERY CLEVER!!!
She practices with the kids yelling "This is not my Mom, This is not my Dad" - so of course my kids were shouting it for about 30 minutes at the top of their lungs. But it opened up a wonderful discussion. We made our list of Safe Side Adults and people who fell into the other category. The movie is VERY quick - things happen quickly so while my 3 yr old LOVED watching it....she got minimal out of it except what to yell and not to open the door or follow people looking for animals. But my 9 year old asked us questions for about an hour afterwards. I would think children ages 5-12 would get the most out of it. But adults will find it perfect for opening conversations - and very funny even though a very serious topic."
The best stranger info!
Mom moves fast | USA | 09/03/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Both of my children are very friendly and fearless with all people and it scares me! I have looked for a good stranger book, video or computer software for several years. This is the best! All adults go into 3 categories - Safe Side Adults, Kinda Knows and Don't Knows. I have always been looking for a way to explain that you can't trust people you do know like the coach, neighbors, mom and dad's boss, etc. This DVD explains the Kinda Knows very well with great role playing! Supersafe Chick does a great job being silly, but explains the information very clearly. The end of the movie tells the kids to write down a list of Super Safe Adults with mom and dad. This is an assignment we should have done a long time ago!"
Very, Very Good
Occasional Reviewer | United States | 11/17/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"We have spent a decent amount of time covering "stranger" safety in our home, and was worried that most of this would be review. Well, in reality, it was, but that ended up being almost better that way. My child got a chance to hear it all again from somebody else and therefore validating what I had been saying. We had already practiced yelling "this isn't my mom/dad" but watching Safe Side Super Chick tell us to do the same thing was wonderful reinforcement. It's great to discuss these things, and great to act them out, but watching it being done added another element.
The Safe Side Super Chick is funny and silly, but never overboard so that it detracted from the seriousness of the subject. We laughed a little while watching this, which served to diffuse the scariness. I think that the way people are categorized as "safe side adults", "don't knows", or "kinda knows" is an excellent guideline for children to use to make good decisions. The "kinda knows" seems to be the hardest category of people to explain to children, and often it made me feel like the paranoid mom to be saying "Yes, our neighbor is nice to say Hi to, but do we REALLY know them?" This dvd did an excellent job of going over those "kinda knows", such as your coach, your dad's friend, your neighbor, the person you regularly see at the store, and it never once sounded paranoid!
The only drawback to this series is that I wish it (or a subsequent title) would have addressed the subject of trusting your instincts and getting away from situations that "feel" wrong. Also, a little more in the way of sample situations would have helped. But overall, this is an excellent program."