Wings Hauser + Robert Tessier = B-Movie Heaven!!
Paul Maul | Oaktown | 07/21/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I'm a BIG Wings Hauser fan; But I just stumbled upon this forgotten little Mean-Spirited 80's Revenge Classic!!....Our Lantern-Jawed Hero plays a CIA operative stashed in Honduras on idle duty when he learns his whole family has been massacred by Bolivian Drug Lords because his corrupt Pro-Footballer younger Brother refused to throw a crucial football game....Yes, the plot IS that contrived.....But all the better to send our buddy Wings into Full Gonzo Revenge Mode; hooking up with the Great Tattooed Chrome-Domed Robert Tessier (Hard Times, The Longest Yard); who outfits our boy Wings with enough High Powered Weaponry to win World War 3!!!.....Great Over the Top Bad Guy Branscombe Richmond (WEARING HIS SAME BASIC LOOK AND WARDROBE FROM HIS SYNDICATED STEPHEN J. CANNEL TV EPIC 'RENEGADE') chews up every scene he's in and spits it out, until he gets a Major Motor-Boat-Fu Lobotomy by Wings.....who likes to take Loving Still Photographs after every 'Kill' he makes.....Bad Guys are Lit on Fire, Run Over, Dropped from Impossibly Great Heights...All to a Great Cheesy 80's Miami Vice type soundtrack....With several songs by the Great Issac Hayes!!....A Supreme Example of the great 70's/80's Grindhouse Action /Revenge Flick; NOT for the Politically Correct; Everyone Else Will LOVE IT!!"