"You may have seen Arch Hall Jr. in the cult classic EEGAH! (1962). This is another cult classic film, The Sadist (1963) also stars Arch Hall Jr. and Marilyn Manning plays the part of "Judy". Richard Alden, Don Russel and Helen Hovey (her first film) have traveled from Lancaster, California and are now stuck in a desert town off the highway (This was before they built the Antelope Valley Freeway in 1977). They need to be at Dodger's Stadium for the baseball game, but the car needs a new fuel pump. They have 40 more miles to go. No one seems to be around at this garage. So they abide their time with a Coca-Cola. They decide to fix the car themselves and the older gentleman discovers in the house the food on the table is still warm. Nobody else is around, until suddenly The Sadist (Arch Hall Jr) makes his appearance known, and with a gun. He continues to terrorize them.
Really excellent black & white mood film. Disturbing to watch. If this film isn't your cup of tea, Arch Hall Jr and Marilyn Manning are a gentleman and a lady in Eegah(1962) (Arch even sings beach music in EEGAH!) Once you have seen Arch Hall Jr and Marilyn Manning in EEGAH! and then you see The Sadist (1963), you will really see how versitile these actors are.Wild Guitar (1962), The Nasty Rabbit (1964) and Deadwood '76 (1965) are also available on DVD."
"Where are the people that run this place?"
Nicholas Rog | Chicago, IL | 08/28/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
""The Sadist" is a pretty interesting film for a couple of reasons. 1.) For the time in which this film was made(1963) it must have been considered shocking or controversial. The subject matter is basically a group of 3 school teachers running into a psychopathic killer and his girlfriend. The movie is basically the killer terrorizing the 3, more mentally and emotionally than physically.
2.) Arch Hall Jr. really gives a convincing performance as Charles Tibbs, the killer. Many reviews I have read state that the acting is what kills this movie. I disagree. I think that Hall is just creepy, annoying and scary enough to make the viewer belive he is a Sadist.
3.) The ending. There is nothing pretty about it.
This movie is well worth the purchase, since it is available on Amazon at such a cheap price. Lots of tension and anxiety build-up and form an all-around decent picture. The direction of the film is also very well done.
One more thing. The school teachers are on their way to a baseball game. I found it interesting that the two men are wearing short-sleeve dress shirts, complete with ties and the lady is wearing a church dress. Nowadays people don't even dress like that at many weddings."
An old gem
Bt | Parts unknown | 04/02/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Sadist has been well reviewed by other people, and to add my two cents, I'd consider this Archie Hall's finest performance by far. He should of played a deranged psycho more often. I just want to add that the "Alpha" version of this flick was surprisingly good. There's really nothing wrong with it. It may not be pristine like some other overpriced releases, but this is one the best bargains you'll find. Totally watchable, and affordable."
"I will make them suffer as I have sufferd!"
Kevin Thomas | USA | 08/22/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"These are the words of a sadist. This Story is actually based on the true crime spree of Charlie Starkweather. If ever a film has shocked me this is the one. Just when you thought is he really going to do that? He does! There is no other film quite like "The SADIST"! I highly recommend this very violent cult classic! I also recommend The Thrill Killers & The Hitch-Hiker."
Un-natural Born Killers...
Bindy Sue Frřnkünschtein | under the rubble | 08/04/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
""The Sadist" is a relentlessly disturbing film. Released in 1963, it had to be absolutely shocking then. Arch Hall jr. plays serial killer Charlie Tibbs. He and his mostly silent, equally psychotic girlfriend Judy have been traveling the countryside, murdering whoever is unlucky enough to cross their path. Three teachers (on their way to a baseball game) are stranded in a salvage yard when their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Everything's fine until Tibbs and company enter the scene. From that point on the story spirals out of control! There are many violent parts, many unexpected twists. Very realistic, considering the year it came out and who made it. The director (James Landis) specialized in dorky, teenybopper movies. He definitely left that genre behind with this flick! Arch Hall jr. is a sadistic super-creep. I found myself wanting to knock him in the head! He is unpredictable, crazy, and therefore terrifying. You never know who's going to be executed next. There is a growing sense of dread, desperation, and terror. This is a horror movie. Charlie Tibbs is like so many gruesome headlines today. "The Sadist" holds up well. I was amazed by it's frankness and unflinching portrayal of evil on the loose. Yes, there is a hero, but you're not sure who it will be. I highly recommend this movie..."