The birth of the bloody and controversial Italian Cannibal sub-genre starts here, with — this notorious 1972 Umberto Lenzi (Cannibal Ferox, Nightmare City) directed survivalist — shocker, presented in its completely uncut, o... more »utrageously violent version. Sacrifice! (aka
The Man From Deep River, Deep River Savages) stars Eurohorror legend Ivan Rassimov
(Mario Bava s Shock, Lamberto Bava s Blade of the Ripper) as photographer John Bradley,
who ventures into the heart of Thailand s jungles and is kidnapped by a ruthless native
tribe. As Bradley fights for his life, he eventually catches the eye of the Chief s daughter
(the beautiful Me Me Lai, who also appears Lenzi s 1980 gut-muncher Eaten Alive!) and,
after marrying her, and after several bouts of brutality, eventually wins the natives
respect. Complications arise, however, when the neighboring clan, a horde of bloodthirsty,
flesh-hungry cannibals, begin sniffing around, licking their lips at the sight Bradley and his
newly conquered tribe mates... Taking its cues from Gualitiero Jacopetti s hugely popular
Mondo Cane films and its many imitators as well as Elliot Silverstein s similarly plotted hit
A Man Called Horse, Lenzi s paean to primitive pain was branded a Video Nasty in the UK
due to its relentless brutality, disturbing scenes of cannibalism and upsetting sequences
of real-life animal death. Less exploitative than Ruggero Deodato s Cannibal Holocaust
and Lenzi s own Cannibal Ferox but no less intense, Sacrifice!
Special Features: Documentary "Cannibal World (Mondo Cannibale), A fully illustrated booklet, New HD Transfer, New and Improved English subtitle translation« less