Yet another Great Volume of Scryed
aurora_borealis12 | lost in the Lost Ground ^_^' | 02/29/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Volume four is yet another great addition to the series (which happens to be my favorite). We finally found out what happened to Kazuma, some old characters come back, we see some awesome secondary forms of some of the side characters' Alters, and more. As always, there's plenty of action, romance, and a touch of comedy. If you've seen all of the other volumes so far, I advise you to get this one and go preorder the rest, and if you haven't seen them, go get them and then get this - Scryed is one of the best anime series released in the past few years, and a great addition to anyone's collection.Now, as for what happens in this volume (And I'll warn you, there are spoilers ahead, so don't complain if you read them. You've had fair warning.)...After the second uprising, Kazuma joined an underground fighting ring, basically the same as illegal dog fights, except with Alters. He lost most of his will to fight, but he keeps being reminded of Ryuhou and winning all his fights. Asuka and Mimori show up, looking for Ryuhou (Cougar had given them a report that indicated he might be there). However, when they find Kazuma instead of Ryuhou, they go and ask him why he's there. He tells them only to get lost, and so they leave. Soon after, Kazuma decides he's bored and breaks his way out, after collecting his prize money and killing the guy in charge.Meanwhile, Ryuhou is still at the Inner camp, where he is asked to stay to protect the people there. A HOLD patrol unit (which, coincidentally, is led by Scheris and Urizane) shows up, and Scheris and Urizane are shocked to find Ryuhou with amnesia. Sou Kigetsuki and the Tokonatsu Three Sisters (who, coincidentally, are part of Kigetsuki's Alter), with the help of Unkei, try and rewrite Ryuhou's memory... with a twist. Eventually he figures it out, fights them, and officially quits HOLY, along with Scheris. However, when the Inners figure out Ryuhou is an Alter User, they kick him out of the villiage.Kazuma decides to go to the mainland, but his plans are interrupted by Ayase, who has returned from the mainland and is being blackmailed into fighting him. Biff also returns, but he's being mind-controlled by HOLD. Ayase then starts fighting with Kazuma, with her newly refined Alter. However, she dies, and Kazuma tries to kill Kyouji Mujou, after he finds out he was responsible. Unfortunately, he gets sucked into the Other Side again. Kanami, Scheris, and Ryuhou see the light from the encounter, and Kanami sets out to find Kazuma, followed by Ryuhou.Later, Asuka and Mimori are driving around when Biff shows up to catch Mimori. Asuka fights him, uses the Eternity Extra Shot (which, I might add, is incredibly cool), but he loses. Biff's about to kill him when Zetsuei shows up and beats him. Thus Mimori is reunited with Ryuhou (happyness!).Later that day, Kazuma is walking toward the city when he's interrupted by his childhood friend, Cougar. They end up fighting, and we see the alloy version of Radical Good Speed for the first time. Kazuma's losing pretty badly, but Cougar isn't there to beat him up... he's actually there to give Kazuma some important info on HOLY and Ryuhou.Thus concludes episode 18, with two of the coolest fights in the series so far (Asuka vs. Biff and Kazuma vs. Cougar). And thus concludes all spoilers.To rephrase what I said: GO. BUY. NOW. !!!!
Thanks for reading
"Everyone has to keep hitting my bad&$# switch..."
mara-mirax | Otaku-land, GA United States | 03/18/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm the kind of person who likes my anime to have it all: great and lovable characters, cool fight scenes, great animation--a pinch or two of angst--the works. This fits the bill. The character designs may not have the extreme detail of some other shows from the same time, but they're highly expressive and allow for more fluid animation. The characters in the large cast are all distinct and memorable, with everyone getting their turn in the limelight so you can grow to know and love them all. It definitely has a sense of humor and action to spare, but it also knows when to slow down and how to pull the heartstrings when needed. The story just seems to barrel along, making you get extremely anxious as each volume gets close to the end and you realize you're going to have to wait another two months for your next fix. I personally don't think this is just a "guy's anime" either--I'm a girl and I love it! Try it from the beginning--you won't be sorry! :-)"
mara-mirax | 02/25/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Even though it may not have been shipped promtly... The dvd itself was respectfully good. It continued the series detailing contour as the plot slowly continues in this. Ya, I know some may be disappointed at a few instances in this, but the plot of Kazuma was truely worth the wait and the money that was paid for the DVD. But I cannot wait for the fifth and the sixth dvd to come out to see the continueing of the series. And what should happen to the selected characters that arrive and prove their own existance."