Entertaining, mostly funny
Endie | Brooklyn, NY | 04/13/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Personally, I feel Russell is at his best when it's unscripted, off-the-cuff banter. He's very quick, and that atmosphere showcases his humor best. That said, I give this stand-up show a B+. Russell's ability to make mundane, everyday things hilarious is a quality that isn't unique or special (it's kind of a pre-requisite for calling yourself a comedian). What makes Russell special is the way he takes a situation or event, and instead of using the first or even second most likely word/phrase to describe it, he goes way down on the list to grab a term that you've probably only heard 3 times in your life, but fits perfectly. Again, simply doing this isn't earth-shattering, but Russell is so smart, and has so many random references in his mind, that you're likely to be caught off-guard by the way he describes things.
He's obviously a smart man (either the drugs didn't addle his brain much, or he started out Mensa-level), and his spontaneous comedy shows it better than his scripted comedy.
A Must See!
honest engine | long beach, ca | 03/17/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"saw this on comedy central about a week ago, and i was extremely impressed. for me, stand up comics are either hit or miss, and brand was definitely a hit. very cerebral, self-deprecating humor mixed with a beautiful face, haha, you can't lose!"
Ignore the negative review. Brand's humor is for the intelli
Mr. A. Crowley | 04/23/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Russell Brand is simply the sharpest, most brilliant comedian on the scene presently. If you have trouble discerning British accents, you will get used to Brand's quickly, so don't let the negative comments of one reviewer deter you from this comedic masterwork. Understand that Brand plays a "rock star" character that is partly (not entirely) autobiographical -- hence the outlandish makeup, attire, and hairdo.
Watch Brand as the imaginary British rock star Aldous Snow in the hit Judd Apatow comedy Forgetting Sarah Marshall for a taste of what you can expect to enjoy when you watch his stand-up routine, which is the best I have seen in years. It is both outrageously crude and hilariously brilliant, which is a hard balance to reach! His humor features razor-sharp wordplay and the most fantastic, biting lines -- you will find yourself laughing out loud, spewing forth whatever beverage you happen to be consuming while watching his routine. Brand's routine is nearly flawless, smart, well-timed, and sharp: Brand spills anecdotes about his wild, drugged-out sex-addict (former?) life, shares inside details about the filming of Sarah Marshall that are wonderful, and recounts zingers about his (in)famous stint as the MTV video awards host that will make you wonder if people should have licenses in order to be able to send emails to celebrities.
You won't be disappointed!"
LOL OMG so funny
C. Houlden | sunderland, ma United States | 04/03/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I also seen this on CC and it was histerical. I can't wait to get this dvd so I can LMAO anytime I want. British humor is usually on the dry side but RB is just funny. I will post again upon watching it."