Three motorcycle-riding hoodlums led by an ex-Viet Nam medically discharged veteran BRAHMIN brutally beat an unsuspecting fisherman before the eyes of his voluptuous wife and proceeds to physically assault her. Their vorac... more »ious appetites for criminal violence still unsatisfied, they proceed to terrorize GAIL MADDOX wife of CORY MADDOX a young veterinarian. MADDOX forcefully interrupts the harassment of his wife. Revenge is in order and BRAHMIN, DANTE and SLICK criminally assault GAIL. MADDOX is absent administering to a mare belonging to the wealthy / stunningly / frustrated sex-machine, JESSICA FANNIN. She comes very close to swaying MADDOX' affections. CORY discovers his wife GAIL brutally beaten and criminally assaulted when he returns home. With the indifferent attitude of the local sheriff, CORY takes the law into his own hands. This results in a dangerous desert chase involving a lusty Cajun girl named RUBY BONNER and her murdered husband HARRY BONNER, incidentally, by the same three hoodlums. Together, CORY and RUBY stalk the killers. Excitement runs rampant with BRAHMIN murdering SLICK, his buddy, in cold blood; CORY experiencing a deadly snake bite with RUBY withdrawing the venom from his leg with her mouth, saving his life. She further defends CORY'S helplessness by permitting DANTE to crudely make love to her, and at the same time placing a hunting knife between his shoulder blades! Thus DANTE meets his end. CORY foolishly follows BRAHMIN. RUBY is critically wounded by BRAHMIN's rifle. The desert-crazed BRAHMIN believes that he is back in Viet Nam fighting Commies. RUBY and CORY with only the meager protection of a shallow mine trench, manage to kill the insane BRAHMIN at the critical moment with the aid of a crudely fashioned hand grenade. (Materials, of course, conveniently attainable from the mine immediate.)« less