Learn the trademark drum grooves and fills of Neil Peart, one of the most influential rock drummers of all time, and a major force behind the distinctive sound of Rush. Spirit of Radio Subdivisions Tom Sawyer YYZ
"Okay firstly, there is obviously only one master - Neil himself.
But let's now put that aside for a sec. For someone to come along and take Neil's work, break it down step by step, make a DVD out of it AND do the work justice - well, I was expecting disappointment. However, this is a very handy DVD indeed. Jamie has done a great job in showing you piece by piece how Neil drums on several classic RUSH tracks.
I won't catalogue the influence Neil has had on my drumming style, suffice to say I have seen him many times live - the Show Of Hands concert I was at in 1988, I saw him twice on the Roll The Bones tour and recently twice on the UK stage of the 30th anniversary tour, I have read his books and followed Neil's playing since the mid-1980s when I began drumming. I have studied his lyrical work, his writing, and drum technique for years and was in a RUSH tribute band for a while.
So you can see where I am coming from in viewing this DVD regarding expectations of standards. But Jamie does Neil's work proud. The first notable thing is "WOW" Jamie plays the songs on a basic kit - well, basic compared to Neil's! - 3 rack toms, 1 bass with double pedals, two floor toms and a snare - plus a spare snare on the left which doubles as an effect snare for New World Man and also a higher tom when the snare is taken off.
I found myself many times saying "AHH that's how he does it" - a case in point being the fast section of Freewill.
All I'll say is IF you are a drummer and if you are a Peart fan, then you will enjoy this DVD. I have, very much. In fact, as with 'Work In Progress' and Neil's 'Burning For Buddy' videos, and his performance on the 'Buddy Rich Memorial Scholarship' videos, I'm finding I am playing it over and over"
A Gem Of A Find (For Drummers Only)
Sky | New York | 02/02/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"First, be advised...this is not a Rush DVD. Unless you look carefully, that fact is actually not clear.
This is a DVD of 8 Rush tunes played in a studio by a talented heavy/prog rock sessionist drummer named Jamie Borden. The DVD covers eight of Neil's works from "Permanent Waves", "Moving Pictures" and "Signals". The songs are played (without Geddy's vocals/only the music) in thier entirety with many camera angles on Jamie's renditions of the drums and then the drumming is broken down section by section and fill by fill by Jamie. Neil Peart makes no appearance on this DVD.
But make no mistake, you might as well be watching Neal. Jamie does a great job playing the songs and then giving the play by play instruction on how you can play them too.
Following are the tracks that Jamie plays: Freewill, Limelight, New World Man, Red Barchetta, Spirit Of Radio, Subdivisions, Tom Sawyer and YYZ. And Jamie plays them quite precisely (personally as a drummer I play Rush songs and I noticed some minor differences in what I think is happening in some of the songs, but those differences are extremely brief and I learned more from this DVD than I expected).
According to Jamie on the DVD Neil was a big inspiration to him, and that's clear by how precisely he plays the Rush tunes on this disk and how clearly he explains the drumming to us.
Absolutely worth the purchase if you're a serious drummer."
Impeccable Drums
S. Hanlon | Taipei, Taiwan | 08/02/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Jamie has impeccable technique and performs these tunes not only accurately but with an inspiring ease-of-technique!
If you're into Neil Peart's playing and you want to get some of his unique playing style under your belt, this is the DVD for you. Jamie's a first-rate teacher!"
Not only for drummers
givolini | Como (CO), Italy | 05/07/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The only thing I'd like to add to what other reviewers wrote, is that I found this DVD amazing even without being a drummer (well, not yet, but I'm planning on changing that ;-)
I always found Neil Peart's drumming style astonishing, and now that I could see in detail what he's exactly doing, I appreciate it even more.
I can understand how great this video must be to someone who is both a drummer and a Neil's fan."
Yeah, not really...
Robert Swindell | CA, USA | 03/05/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"If you are a serious drummer and a Rush or Neil Peart fan, like I am, you will shake your head many times while watching this video.
Yes, Jamie Borden is an excellent drummer. And yes, he gets a lot of the challenging fills in the songs correct. But some of the more basic "grooves" are flat out wrong, particularly with the bass drum. And his interpretation of many parts changes before your eyes when he attempts to repeat them.
This is not a well produced video. The editing is amateurish (I don't know how many minutes are wasted watching him mute his cymbals after each example) and the dialog is repetitive and uninspiring.
I own a large library of instructional drumming videos and this video rates, honestly, at the bottom of the heap in its ability to *teach* anything. You're better off buying any of the number of Rush or Neil Peart videos available and watching them over and over again (and *listening* to Rush albums).
I was sort of surprised that such a video was made and sold and I honestly only bought it because of the other (all positive) reviews here on Amazon.com and was curious. Do you guys just not know the difference? Can't you *hear* that he's playing the wrong thing half the time? I know these songs, quite literally, by heart and it hurts my ears to hear them played incorrectly. The drumming and other instrumentation (guitar, bass, and keyboards) heard on this video are only an approximation of what Alex, Geddy, and Neil recorded on their respective albums. Sort of like a Karaoke CD or a bad tribute band.
I wouldn't think of making such a video myself, but if I had (and did), it would've been a lot more accurate than this.
Jamie, I hope you read this, Neil's last name is pronounced PEERT.