"While I have to admit the end of the German Knight saga and the beginning of the Feng Shui arc are lame, the 3rd episode on the DVD, "To my Angel Misao: A Fetching From Kyoto" has to be one of the funniest and worth watching episodes of the series (worth 4 stars by itself).
It's worth buying this DVD to see this one episode. Too bad it got stuck on this DVD, but I strongly reccomend watching it.
A smart mix of seriousness and humor, it shows the first serious signs of Aoshi having feelings for Misao, yet hilarity ensues when a group of characters go out for the day."
Kenshin ends one story arc and begins the last one
Lawrance M. Bernabo | The Zenith City, Duluth, Minnesota | 03/25/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The penultimate "Rurouni Kenshin" DVD offers up the end of one major story arc in from the "Tales of the Meiji" period and the start of the final story arc for the masterless, roving samurai named Himura Kenshin, with only a single comic relief episode in between the two. "A Shinobi's Love" presents episodes 87-90 of the Japanese anime series:Episode 87, "Schneider's Bet: The Collapse of the Black Knights" picks up right where we left off, with Kenshin and the gang fighting the guardians of the legendary Divine Elixir, while Meldars and the Black Knights from Germany, along with Misanagi and her Sanada Ninja Clan, close in on both as well. Episode 88, "The Two Guides: Yahiko and Yutaro's Eternal Vow" provides the end of this story arc, which pivots on the unexpected feelings that Lieutenant Schneider feels for the ninja, Misanagi. Meanwhile, once again somebody has to explain the whole deal with Kenshin's reverse blade sword. There are some definite Wagnerian elements to this story. It looks like the creators are familiar with Sigfried, et al.The expected comic relief episode that invariably comes at the end of a "Rurouni Kensin" story arc is Episode 89, "To My Angel Misao: A Fetching From Kyoto," and this is one of the better ones of these we have seen in a while. Basically all the female characters from the series get together for a bit of shopping, during which Misao's youth and inexperience become the topic of conversation and helpful suggestions. Episode 90, "Fen Shui, Surprise Attack: The Mystery of the Pentagram Spread" brings some mystical elements into play as a giant mystical pentagram that existed in Edo three centuries earlier comes back into play. It seems that the area around Kamiya Dojo is having bad vibes, which are manifesting themselves in some pretty interesting ways. This will be the final "Rurouni Kenshin" story arc, so (all together now), you won't want to miss it!As always we are treated to some "outtakes" from the dubbing sessions (lots of problems getting the lines to fit this time around), and the liner notes introduce us to a great proverb: "Shou wo in to suramno wa mazu uma wo iyo" ("f you want to shoot down the general, you must shoot down the horse first"). These have been really educational and I wish there was an easy way of putting them all together in a handy dandy reference book besides typing them off the screen (and making all sorts of spelling mistakes). For those who like the new title songs they can be checked out without the credits. It will be interesting to see how Kenshin ends his wanderings, although since the dojo has been his home base of operations since pretty much the start of the series he has not really been wandering."
When will it all end?
Lawrance M. Bernabo | 09/01/2002
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The stories in this recent arc are becoming more and more pathetic. The enemies aren't that worthwhile and it seems the creators have sacrificed a good deal of Kenshin's and Sanosuke's strength and skill for the sake of making the fight scenes more exciting. They're not. You wonder how Kenshin could possibly have trouble with these second rate villians after defeating a man like Makoto Shishio. I couldn't help but groan in annoyance everytime Kenshin received a blow. The ending is a big groaner too.
The third episode finally touches upon the relationship between Misao and her beloved Lord Aoshi, but that also left me feeling jipped. Misao came off more like a little girl then usual and the ending doesn't seem like anything was resolved. Honestly, Kenshin and Aoshi became closer than Misao could ever achieve. (And no, not sexually...jeez.)
The last episode has to be the biggest let down of all. Once again new enemies are introduced, this time weilding magic. Feng Shui of all things. You really hope there's some clever trick behind it like the other 'magic' users Kenshin has come up against, but alas, they really are using magic. And once again, Kenshin is helpless against them.
The animation is still lovely, at least. And because I am loyal to Kenshin and no other, I will simply grit my teeth and wait it out. What I'm really waiting for is the end to this silly arc (which isn't in the original manga by the way, hence the reason why our heroes constantly suffer being Out of Character) and the beginning of the Revenge Arc; an arc that should rival the Kyoto Arc and will bring our rurouni to a rest. (This arc returns to the manga story, and therefore, MUST be better than this 'Tales of the Meiji Arc' they're force feeding us.)So until then, I'll just twiddle my thumbs and wait."
David Nakamura | San Diego, California United States | 12/09/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The fillers are not even worth it. any DVD after fire reqiem is not worth it. I saw an episode from this DVD at a convention, and I was extremely dissapointed. It could have been good if they had added certain things in, and changed the story around a lot. Unless you are a EXTREME HARDCORE fan of kenshin, do NOT buy this.
By the way..
The jinchuu arc was animated (from a certain point of view), it was just shortened. Alot. Just watch the newest RK ova, Seisou Hen. Its not out in the US yet, but it takes place when Kaoru and Kenshin's son kenji is about 11-12. It has a long flashback sequence to the jinchuu arc (Kenshin vs Enishi) and it also has things about Yahiko inheriting the Sakabatou, and also about Sanosuke after the very last short manga in the Kenshin Kaden artbook."
Opions,Opinions everywhere
A. Deming | florissant,mo usa | 02/22/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"You people and your close-mined opinions about the so-called"filler episodes" astound me, there is nothing in this world wrong with any of these episodes rurouni kenshin is a great series includeing every episode thats been written about kneshin includeing the "filler episodes" and to hell with anybody who thinks differently because you are irrelevant to my rurouni kenshin happiness.SCREW THE HATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"