Aaah Wordsworth you old lovely!
Dale Cockayne | Melbourne Australia | 11/14/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Yes there are discrepancies, yes some scenes are cut, indeed there is no captioning, and yes it certainly deserves better but.................. this gem is priceless and for all the curmudgeons who so fractiously complain, this Aussie says get a life!!! Rumpole? ALL THE EPISODES? For THIS price? Well, chop me up and use me for suet pudding, complain about this and you either do not know, and love, Rumpole. Or you have no true sense of value. No point in reviewing the stories, you either know and love them, or you need to read the book, or buy this set. The price does cover for a multitude of sins true, but for the afficionados lets thank A & E for giving us this much. The comparative price in England is over 300 English pounds for the total set (if you can get them! and that is 2nd hand!!!!) or 25 English pounds for each individual disc. Work out you own exchange rate and then buy this!!!!!"
Pearls of Great Price!
F. S. L'hoir | Irvine, CA | 12/19/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"And worth every penny!!!
I now own the entire series, and it is so delightful to be able to escape the horrors of network news programs, local "breaking news" reports (the latest car chase), and phony "reality" shows, and to sit down with a nice glass of Trader Joe's Plonk (the California equivalent of Chateau Thames Embankment) and indulge in an unadulterated orgy of Rumpole from beginning to end.
A curious warmth envelops one when mulling over Rumpole's private life in Froxbury Mansions, under the guidance of the iron-handed Hilda--She Who Must Be Obeyed; or pondering the barrister's professional life at Number 3, Equity Court, under the mis-guidance of the scatty Guthry Featherstone or the unctuous Soapy Sam Ballard. And what could be more enjoyable than the sniping exchanges between the Ice Queen, Phillida Erskine-Brown and her Wagner-doting spouse, the magnificently inept Claude? What, for that matter, could be more enjoyable than the outraged feminist sensibilities of Mizz Liz Probert, always ready to unleash her radical lawyers on the premises at the first symptoms of patriarchal politesse?
What could be more enjoyable?
Perhaps Rumpole's confrontations at the Bailey in which his strategically deployed nonsense perpetually outwits the common-sensical Red Judge Ollie Oliphant, or when the rumbustious periwig-pated Rumpole silences the sepulchral Mister Justice Graves by speaking the speech as Shakespeare (or, on occasion, Wordsworth) pronounced it, trippingly on the tongue!
Do yourselves a favor. Take an armchair flight to London with the complete series of "Rumpole of the Bailey." Beg, borrow, or steal the money.
And then get Rumpole to defend you!"
My husband says it's the best Christmas gift he's ever recei
Nancy Kamm | Homosassa, Florida | 01/15/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"For long driving trips we often listen to books on tape. After listening to the Rumpole tapes several times I bought the entire collection of DVD's for my husband for Christmas. We both thoroughly enjoy watching this series. We have long been fans of British comedy and would highly recommend this collection to like-minded people. Rumpole is a delightful character and the story lines are very entertaining. Such a welcome relief to all the horrible programing available on television today - VERY ENJOYABLE!!! Highly recommended."