The Rugrats before the decline
S. Rhodes | 10/02/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As I write this review I can't help but remember when I loved the Rugrats. It was once my favorite show in television as a kid. And when the movie came out in theaters I was more excited than anyone would've imagined. I was a huge fan. The TV show has decreased in quality, but the movie still remains solid. It introduced a new character to the series, and to this day still remains the greatest adventure that the rugrats have gone on.
Didi has recently found out she's pregnant, and that means Tommy is getting a baby brother. When Tommy's new brother Dil is born, things around the house change. Dil begins to receive a bit more attention than Tommy, and he's always loud and obnoxious... the way Tommy used to be when he was first born. Phil, Lil, and Chuckie can't stand him and neither can Angelica.
In the meantime, Stewie has made a new invention. A Reptar mobile (Reptar is the Rugrats version of "Godzilla" and the babies' hero). When Stu and Didi head out for a while, they leave the kids home alone with Grandpa. If you've watched the show you know Grandpa is not a good baby sitter... he always falls asleep, and that's what he does here.
The babies see this Reptar mobile and decide to hop inside and play around. Angelica (the rambuncious three year old brat) is trying to watch her show and so she is very annoyed. She gives the babies the boot (literally) and the Reptar wagon suddenly slides out the front door. Tommy has little idea how to control it, and neither do his friends. Phil and Lil, however, don't see it as such a bad thing. To them it's a chance to take new-born baby Dil back to the hospital.
With the babies gone, Angelica can finally find peace... except there's a problem. When she gave the babies the boot they took her favorite doll Cynthia with them! Now Angelica decides she must find them, and so she saddles up the family dog, Spike. And Spike ends up running out the front door... dragging Angelica along.
The result? The babies getting lost in the forest far away from home. When the parents find out, they go on a large search for the babies.
I suppose what got me to really like this movie was the adventure of it. The little imagination of these babies is amazing! The movie even begins with a little rendition of "Indiana Jones" as they're actually exploring thier house. But when they really AREN'T in a place that's their home, you can see just how brave they get.
Never mind how stupid the parents are (they NEVER learn from leaving the babies with Grandpa), the adventure is exciting. Especially when Phil and Lil manage to let a bunch of monkey's take Dil away. Soon Tommy really IS the one responsible for his brother. The movie is funny in many places, and it's songs are enlightening. Any child will enjoy this movie to death.
Unlike it's sequel, the babies get into some trouble that isn't too far beyond their control. By that I mean, the Reptar mobile is just a wagon, and not some HUGE GIGANTIC THING DESTROYING THE CITY! This adventure is more REAL than in the sequel, "Rugrats in Paris".
And while Dil isn't the most likeable character, it's unrealistic to think he can do as much as the other babies can (he can't walk, mind you). It would help if Dil was as adventureous as his brother, but considering he's only a few weeks old, we can get by.
The animation is top notch, and very vivid and vibrant. Much better than the television show ever was. It's just incredible.
If there were problems I'd say it's this: It is certainly not a movie for grown ups. If you grew up with the Rugrats as I did, you will probably like this movie. However, grown ups who didn't grow up with the Rugrats, will be annoyed by their kids loving to watch the film. It is clearly aimed at the younger audience.
It's a great movie. Especially for your kids, and especially for nostalgia. This was an incredible movie eight years ago, and remains a good movie for your kids today."
One of the best (and grossest) Nick movies ever
Matt | O'Fallon, IL USA | 09/05/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I used to love this movie. The animation is amazing, and the voice talent couldn't be better. My only complaint is that the animation can sometimes be a tad disgusting, particularly in the scenes with Dil. Otherwise, a top-notch movie.
One more thing...
I have to laugh at this guy:
hate the rugrats, December 27, 2005
A Kid's Review
I Just haaaaaaaate the Rugrats!It's stipud,boring,and gross.I have no idea why alot of kids like this show and for you pepole over 20 who do I say get a job!Whats so great about it!All they do is site in they're crub, mispronounce words and sentences,say poopie,drop dippers,play pertend,and other dumb and gross stuff.There is also prombles between this show and the real world for insteens there is some pepole who watch this show and can't speak perfect english (eventhough I only know one I bet thery's more).Maybe becouse The Rugrats say stuff like I gots to go potty and another thing is younger kids might copy the gross habbits from this show such as going to the bathroom on trees and eat stuff they're not soposto to eat like bugs. If you don't agree with then too bad but you adment.
Okay, man, I don't even know what you're trying to say. If there was one thing I got out of that brainless rant, it was this: you're a hypocrite. You say that the Rugrats don't use perfect English and mispronounce words. Well, look at your review! It looks like it was typed by a 6-year-old. Plus, the characters are FREAKING BABIES!!! If you could talk at that age, wouldn't you sound the same way?"
Tom Brody | Berkeley, CA | 02/24/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The artwork is inspiring, especially depictions of forests. There is plenty of action. The storyline appears to be good for kids. But there is a little problem. The authors of the script and storyline are not particularly intelligent. In other words, essentially every minute of the story is contrived and forced. Most of the picture consists of chase scenes, moving from here to there, and repeated boring attempts at cliff-hangers.
The movie seems to start off right. We see a parody of an Indiana Jones movie, where the cartoon character children enter an underground temple and attempt to snatch a golden chalice. They are chased off by a huge rolling ball. The ground cracks open, and the children manage to escape. From there, it all goes downhill. The children find themselves in a box, and the box is accidently shipped overland by a truck, and the truck gets in an accident and the children are dumped into a ravine somewhere in the wilderness. There is a dangerous wolf. The children manage to escape in a boat, but the boat approaches a waterfall (ho-hum). Children will not be amused by the repeated jokes about urinating.
Everything in this movie is derived or forced. The script writers failed to ask themselves, "Will the viewer care about what happens at this or that point in the storyline?" The script writers failed to ask, "Will the viewer actually notice that mere commotion by the cartoon characters is taking the place of substance?"
The movie is worse than the feature length SIMPSONS movie, which itself lacks the cleverness of the SIMPSONS T.V. episodes. The RUGRATS movie is worse than the feature length SPONGE BOB movie, a movie and T.V. show characterized by a unique brand of zaniness.
The only good thing I can say about THE RUGRATS is that the artwork is original, and somewhat better than the artwork of the SIMPSONS or SPONGE BOB. TWO STARS.
For those with an interest in movies for little kids, I might recommend the LEAVE IT TO BEAVER black and white television series, the splendid ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE color movie (great cameo by Whoopi Goldberg), the Disney movie MERLIN JONES (with America's sweetheart, Annette), and the complete first season of THE FLINTSTONES. I think we might all agree that THE FLINTSTONES T.V. show is not particularly clever or intelligent, but at least there are actual stories, and at least the concepts in the Flintstones (anachronisms) are creative and original. Also, BEAVER, MERLIN JONES, THE FLINTSTONES, and ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE do not contain any toilet humor."