I'm a fan of Jim Carrey but I used 120X FF during most of this movie. I think this was one of Carrey's first movies and it definitely has some of his early humor from in living color. Amazon raters say 3/5! FYI - The movie is only 47 minutes long. If you are a fan of Jim Carrey and you are on the fence, then see this!
Movie Reviews
I want 48 minutes of my life back
E.J. Tapehead | Monroe, CT | 04/22/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This could quite possibly have been the worst movie i've ever seen in my entire existence! First off...Jim Carrey should do everything in his power to have this movie no longer releaseed or accessable to the public.(animals included) This movie can be rented in the comedy section of a video store...it shouldn't be there. The only laughs I had were me and other people laughing at me for my selection of a wasted night watching this movie. Sure you may come back and say it was a student film...but honestly, where the hell could he or she be a student at!! Who would accept someone with such lack of talent and creativity. Sure the girl was Fat...nbut that wasn't here main problem. The acted like an idiot all the time and then ALLOWED people to call her BIG J!! This is a complex written all over it. This is BIG J calling was always followed by some cheap Yogi Bear impresion...once again retaining back to the fact that she's fat and her rolemodel was a picnic basket stealing bear. Jim Carey didn't even entered this movie untill about 20 or so minutes into it. And just furtherd this movies down-hill spiral we call a waste of film. I was not impressed and don't recommend this waste o time, film, and brain cells to anyone thing. Even if no one is watching this movie in your house, Please don't leave it on in an empty living room where some small child or housepet could stumble blindly into the path of idiotic rays being dispersed from the TV screen. MY CAT DIED, WHILE VIEWING THIS FILM. please heed my warning."
Rubberface... An indebth look at a social masterpiece
Luke D. Bolland | Perth, Western Australia. | 10/22/2001
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Ok so my title may have been misleading... but so is the cover of this video. "JIM CARREY...IS RUBBERFACE" in actuallity Jim was just a secondary character. I bought this because I live in Perth Western Australia and this movie was never released here. I got a few cheap laughs but was dissapointed by two things...
1) Jim Carrey was hardly in this and despite the title of the film "Rubberface" he actually doesn't pull any of his famous wacky faces in this film.
2) The main Character and Jim tease getting together romantically through every scene they are in and nothing actually happened.
not the worst film ever and a definite watch for die hard fans of Jims work wanting to see where he started out."
rjean2000 | South Bend, IN USA | 04/17/1999
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Not to take away from Jim Carrey's accomplishments as a comedian, but this film does not do him justice at all. I think he was only 17 or 18 when this was made. More like an ABC after school special. Only a couple of mildly funny scenes. Carrey doesn't even show up in the movie until it's half over. I feel like I got ripped off big time. Original title was actually "Introducing.... Janet". Obviously the producer is trying to capitalize on Carrey's success without having to pay royalties."
Big J!!!! can't help but laugh.
Dangerous Soybean | Georgia. | 04/30/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I understand this was a student film, but why is it still available, and why can you buy it almost anywhere, including TARGET!? The only parts that are laugh-inducing are the parts that aren't supposed to be funny: like when Big J (good God, why did the girl let people call her Big J like it was her name?) reveals that her plans for the night involve her hanging out with her Sony. It's supposed to be sad but it's just funny and then you feel bad for laughing at her. Big J can't help being so dorky. She hangs out with her boombox for Christ's sake. That is, until Jim Carry comes along. He becomes her supporter when she goes to comedy clubs to "perform", but she's not funny. Jim laughs anyway. Way too cheesy. It's so horrible that my brother and I try to get people to rent it, and we tell them that it's the funniest movie we've ever seen...."
Fantastic first film(made for Canadian TV)
jeanebellini@webtv.net | U.S.A. | 04/24/1999
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a gotta see and must have for any true fan of Mr.C.It was the lst work he did for TV/film and shows a great deal of the early evolution of his creativity.The hat scene alone is worth the price of the video!A very touching story too boot!I saw this originally on Canadian TV way back in the waaaaay back and am thrilled to have it in my collection.Complete your collection too-besides,at this price ya can't lose!"