The Emmy-nominated ROUGHNECKS: STARSHIP TROOPERS CHRONICLES is the groundbreaking sci-fi adventure series featuring breathtaking 3-D computer animation and nonstop war action. In THE ZEPHYR CAMPAIGN, the fearless Troopers ... more »are back for a terrifying mission on a mysterious frozen asteroid deep in space. When beautiful pilot Carmen is forced to crash land their powerful spaceship on icy, unpredictable terrain, heroic Rico, Flores, T'Phai and Co. set out to complete their work: finding a powerful toxin they can use against the deadly insects taking over the universe. What they encounter instead arefire-breathing bugs and asteroid-shaking earthquakes which plunge the Troopers and their ship further into the center of the planet. Now, their only mission is survival, and when the Troopers realizethe true nature of the asteroid, even survival seems out of reach.« less
Catharsise | Washington, D.C., District of Columbia United Stat | 06/19/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The World Wide Web and some dedicated websites (to include can be instrumental in obtaining a large concensus that can sway a major producer of DVDs to complete a series. Kudos to the above (and you "Roughnecks" know who you are)!This story arc had become the lost episodes of the Starship Troopers Chronicles, and was previously referred to as the "Ice Planet" story arc. This arc will fill-in most of the loose ends (Zander's plight is explained, new bugs are introduced, etc.) and takes place between The Tesca Campaign and The Klendathu Campaign. So now we face the Frozen Drool Campaign of anticipation."
At last, the Missing Week
Dennette A. Harrod Jr. | Washington, DC USA | 09/05/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"After almost a year of waiting, we finally have episodes 21 through 25 of this 40 episode series, bringing the total number available on DVD to 35 ... maybe we'll see the other five episodes some day. This disk does not have quite as many features as the other disks in the series (multiple languages, for example), but they did go back to the studio and enhance the music and audio effects, and the full-length commentary track provides insights into the making of the series.Even though the target audience was adolescents, I'm in my 50s, and have been anxiously awaiting this "missing week" to complete my collection. (I pre-ordered it as soon as it was available, as I did with the other disks in the series.) As different from the movie as the movie was from the book, it is still Very Entertaining, and I really enjoy watching the reactions of people who see it for the first time. :-)As revealed on one of the other disks, the actors recorded the scripts of two additional episodes, but they were never animated ... budget constraints near the end led to the creation of two "clip shows" to deliver the promised 40 episodes (5 episodes a week for 8 weeks.) We now have 7 of what should be 8 DVDs, and if enough fans buy them, maybe the producers will complete the unfinshed episodes and include them on a final DVD.Cast your vote for completing the collection by buying this disk ... and if you haven't purchased any of the others yet, get this one first, because it's a well constructed, self-contained story arc that stands OK by itself, even if it is out-of-context."
Edward Lee | 09/05/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Another absolutely stunning adventure for the ROUGHNECKS, the "Zephyr Campaign" has long been referred to as the 'lost campaign,' seeing as it was skipped over in the DVD production schedule due in large part to what the producers had deemed 'questionable effectiveness' to their animation. Some of the imagery had been dubbed 'watery,' and there was thought that this campaign had a snowball's chance of seeing the light of day.Thank goodness the kind folks decided to release it!In the scope of the entire ROUGHNECKS series, ZEPHYR introduces some mighty fine species of new bugs for our heroes to fight, and the digital transfer is wonderfully done. The story also expands heavily upon the possible relationships between the principle characters, and the non-stop action continues from start to finish.Please, please, please! Buy this product so that the producers will be able to justify completing the final three-episode installment to give us a fitting conclusion to one stunning series."
Roughnecks ROCK! Finish Season 1 and DO SEASON 2!!
Edward Lee | 09/10/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Roughnecks is the BEST CGI Sci-Fi drama ever done for TV. Made for kids (I am 50) and botched by Sony/BKN from the start it has
nerver received a fair shake. Please INSIST that the last 3 shows and episode 31 (missing from Homefront)be included on a 2nd
Homefront DVD. I now have all 7 DVD's and 4 of the VHS tapes plus
all of the episodes I recorded during its short run on BKN. For a
show done in 1999 it is still TOPS in CGI Animation. Episode 31
is the exciting space battle between SICON and the Queen as she
heads for Earth, without it the first episode of Homefront makes
no sense! (The war is over????) NOT! Come on SONY...GIVE US THE
REST OF IT!!! It should have been ran in prime time. Great action
and characters, cool special FX and it is the only rendition that
even remotely follows the book! I honestly believe that Troopers
could give any prime time show in a family slot a run for its money! And lets not forget the "Clip Shows", Marooned, Court Martial and Boot Camp (These were how Sony got the magic "40" episodes without actually finishing the series. BUY THESE DVD's!!
Glued to my TV!
J. Chastain | 03/08/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Having read Starship Trooper when it was first released many years ago, I felt like a purist when it came to the movie and a viewer of the Chronicles. But having purchased the first six dvd's and now this new one, I am hooked and convinced that this series is a winner big time.
I am a bit confused about the issue of the last two episodes. I watched Homefront and of course I was totally irritated by the fact that the producers left our heros on earth with bugs doing there dirty best to wipe out the human race and nothing follows.
Are the missing episodes the undrawn conclusion to Homefront episode? I would hate for the bugs to win in the end. :(
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR PURCHASE to anyone that loved the book and the movie. Our heros get more time to rescue all our butts and it is a great story."