2 out of 3
J. mullineaux | new jersey | 06/08/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I have received all 3 of the DVDs that make up the Rough Riders movie series. All DVDs play very well except the first DVD of the series. What the problem is when I select the middle movie of that DVD, instead of playing the movie "The Gunman from Bodie", a blue screen appears with the word "stop". I can select and play the other two movies on this DVD and select and play all the movies on the other two DVDs"
The Rough Riders Ride Again.
A. D. Barnhill | Little Rock, AR United States | 01/04/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Seeing the Rough Riders always brings back memories of Saturday morinings in front of the TV to watch old westerns. This triple feature didn't disappoint me. The quality was good. The story lines were different enough to keep the interest and of course there was gum chewing by Buck.
Good nostalgia."
High Rollin' with The Rough Riders
Stephen D. Chandler | South Carolina | 12/06/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As a kid, I grew up thinkin' somehow that I was a "cowboy", too, just like my heroes: (e.g.) Charles Starrett, early Gene Autry, Bob Steele, Ray "Crash" Corrigan, Buck Jones, "Hoot" Gibson, Tim McCoy, Raymond Hatton, "Smiley" Burnett, and on and on and on. Well, I could never get enough of those old range-ridin', knuckle-bustin', hell-bent for leather good guys. My Daddy even gave me some of his old felt hats which were so common for manly dome-coverin' back in the '40's and 50's. I'd commence to curlin' the brims of those old hats over and over until they "dis"-resembled real cowboy hats. But, that made no mind to a "gun-totin", "jaw-bustin", supernatural-"hoss" ridin' little - pudgy - kid on his mighty Schwinn cayuse! ~ So, what is all my ramblin' about above? Just this: I'll always praise the day when VCR's, Beta machines, and DVR's have allowed me to begin an ACTUAL collection of old "B" westerns of my very own, and I tresure those old, often-poorly-filmed, ultra-low budgeted cinema "wonders". Since then I've reveled in the joys of watchin' many old "B" western jewels these days in my 63-year-old "Hi-Yo, Silver" second childhood! ~ Soooooo, folks, take my outlook on these oldies and run-with-it, straight to the Amazon website. AND, I have my own copy of the "Triple Feature Volume # 3 "Rough Riders" DVD (starring, Buck Jones, Tim McCoy, and the always-entertaining Raymond Hatton ). GOOD GRIEF, Charley Brown, this DVD is super-simple-and-easy-to-understand and tantalizes your goin'-back-in-childhood memories, justa ridin' those dusty trails together with your trusty sidekick and lightnin' quick, loyal steed!!!! Darnit, long live all those great "B" sagebrush pals and heroes! Gooooooooooooooooo Now! The "Rough Riders" (Jones, McCoy, & Hatton) are beckoning you to get your very own "Triple Feature Vol. # 3". Soooooo, DO IT! That's all you gotta do, and for such a miniscule price. LONG live Buck, Tim, Raymond and all those sons of the old West! ... God Blessya'll, Steve C. (a.k.a. "The Carolina Kid")"