'Roommates' Who Share A Bit Too Much...
4-Legged Defender | ATL. GA. | 07/30/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Childhood friends who now room together and have an intense, loving bond (but not the lesbian lover relationship that's in the product details) are the focus of this derivitive J-Horror entry from Cinema Epoch. As a fan of most of their releases, something told me this one wasn't going to rate high on the production value meter, and I was right. Sometimes, it sucks to be right... It's a familiar formula with an over-used storyline akin to dozens of other Asian horror flicks, and it's a tired one with stretch marks and liver spots that's been done better many times before. Being shot on video, there's no room for post-production special effects, which bodes poorly for horror films. So there's no palpable terror, shocks or WTF moments we've come to expect from this genre. As a result, there are too many predictible scenes and a ghost spirit we're way familiar with to derive any horror from, kinda like a dreadful relative that makes holiday visits. Was it painfully bad? No. But you won't be sad to see this 'Roommate' pack their bags either..."