K. Littlejohn | New Mexico | 09/09/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I adored this show. I enjoy a lot of cop shows but this may be my favorite. It's hard not to feel sorry for the new guys and girls who have entered this completely different world of policing and who have plenty of awkward moments. The end of every episode has a little "zinger" that gets you every time. It was a superb season and I only hope that they will make more."
Already have my copy!!!
JB | Redwood City, CA | 03/13/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, how am I reviewing this DVD before its release date?
To be frank, I purchased this two disc set directly from A&E Home Video Store at a higher price about a month ago and found it to be one of the most watchable, entertaining, and fascinating looks into the true crime
genre that A&E and Discovery have been producing over the past twenty years.
You can feel the frustration, the sense of impending danger, the disappointments, and the heartfelt emotions of these young American rookie police officers as they are individually put through the paces of a patrol officer by their "FTO's" [field training officers].
You will find yourself laughing, cringing, and even questioning your own sensibilities as to how YOU would handle some of these everyday situations that face the everyday street cop on the beat.
Between "Brooklyn Homicide North", the newly released "Crime 360" and now this series, "The Rookies", these television DVD's will be long remembered as the Golden Era of True Crime documentary entertainment."