Still Inspired!
Daria | NY | 06/07/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm the granddaughter of Romana Kryzanowska, and I've been surprised by a few of the not so favorable reviews some folks have issued here. I think this video series is great, if you're a beginner and have not had much exposure to the Pilates method, then this is a great way to start the learning process and have something you can follow at home. From what I can tell, many individuals who possess more experience with Pilates than the average person or are instructors by trade have very lofty expectations and are looking for a video product that will help them learn more advanced exercises or become better Pilates teachers. Simply put, these folks are missing the boat; with the exception of the Mat Challenge Workout video, this series is geared towards beginners or folks who are new to Pilates, not certified instructors or experienced students. As my grandmother tells you at the very begging of each video, this series wasn't designed to replace a private lesson with an instructor, let alone a seminar of any kind. This is because you can?t put your hands on someone or adapt to their specific body type or ensure the student is applying the appropriate rhythm and dynamics on tape like you can in person. Also, the vast majority of Pilates exercises should be learned and practiced under the direct supervision of a certified instructor, otherwise individuals can take on unnecessary risk when trying to work out at home. While later videos may focus on more advanced pieces of Pilates equipment and exercises for more experienced Pilates students and teachers, this series does not. My grandmother has always been reserved about providing instruction through video, for one simple reason...SAFETY. As a result, her video series takes into account beginners are most likely to buy and use videos; therefore Safety was the primary driver of the exercises that were selected and taught in the first series. If you?re new to Pilates, buy it and begin your Pilates journey in a safe manner, while learning more about Joseph Pilates and Romana Kryzanowska in the documentary; experienced instructors and students get yourselves to the studio and take a lesson with a certified instructor."
Beginner Pilates Student/Beware Negative Reviews
K. Sistrunk | NYC | 08/22/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am a beginner Pilates Student. I take my classes by a certified Pilates trainer who trained and now teaches Pilates at Romana's studio at Dragos in NYC. She was taught and certified by Romana. I bought these DVD's as soon as they came out and before there were any reviews. I am shocked as I now come back to this site to purchase another set for a gift and see all of the negative reviews of this set of DVD's.
I am lucky enough to live in NYC and
have taken all sorts of 'Pilates' classes. I think that anyone reading the negative reviews about these DVD's should know about the many other people (teachers, friends of teachers, students) who have a bone to pick with Romana and her method of teaching.
I have gone into many other Pilates classes taught by people who have renamed their form of Pilates. It is amazing to me when I ask them where and how long they trained and who trained them. Some of them don't know who Joe is. They also have
never heard of Romana or Dragos Gym where her studio is. I have taken classes while away at some of the best spas in the world and taken dismal 'new' Pilates classes at best.
Yes I am a beginner after taking private Pilates since 2003, twice a week. The reason why I know that I'm a beginner is by looking around at the men and women who have taken classes there for up to 60 years! It is going to take a while to reach that height!
Pilates is not a quick fix. Although you will find amazing results after 30 classes, it is a long haul back to perfect physical health. I came to it after miscarriages and depression. I was able to work out on my own when traveling after taking my classes. No reformer or cadillac was necessary, but professional training is. Of course I consider myself lucky to be able to have a great teacher who was taught by Romana. And it is wonderful when I'm corrected by the queen herself - Romana.
Please do not let these negative reviews scare you away from getting instruction from Romana on this DVD set.
This is not a quick fix. Pilates is a very long, slow process. You must read the
books that are available. You must get these DVD's and watch them over and over
as I did; and I had been taking classes for a year before they came out!
It is a shame that the 'Pilates Reformers' find it necessary to use this forum to continue to disrespect the only true form of Pilates. I know that Romana lost her court case to try to protect all that Joe had built; but wouldn't you try to protect the
very thing that had saved you?
And by the way didn't Dara say that she is Romana's granddaughter. How sad that
she has to defend her grandmother against these same people over and over again.
I have actually seen people who were on vacation come into the studio from out of town to visit Dragos' Gym. When they ask if they can watch class, they are welcomed to sit against a back wall and observe the one-on-ones. How amazing to watch Romana, her daughter and granddaughter teach in one room! I know I'm lucky to be there, but there is a way for you to partake of this wonderful program.
It is now possible for me to do a little mat work at home being accompanied by these DVD's.
Pilates saved my life. Thank you Romana."
Bloated presentation, lots of duplication on the 4 DVD's
Robert Wade Cottingham | Dallas, TX | 01/20/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Real interesting footage, but I'm just BARELY glad I bought all 4 DVD's, since there's LOTS of duplication among the 4 discs. The amount of unique content on one DVD out of the four is as little as 12 minutes or so. In other words, all this content could have been placed on one or two DVD's, not FOUR. Just so you know.
Expectations Were High
Lisa W. | New York, NY | 02/19/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Romana Kryzanowska is undoubtedly the most brilliant and talented of Joseph Pilates' students. She has carried on Mr. Pilates legacy for many decades, teaching the most talented individuals who enter the Pilates profession. Romana is indeed the primary link to Joseph Pilates himself. And it is wonderful to see the archival film footage of Romana working out at Mr. Pilates' original New York City studio. Also, the sets are beautiful.Unfortunately, however, these videos do not capture the extraordinary teachings of Romana, and only a limited amount of her remarkable personal charm. In fact, these videos do not have much instruction. There is voice over from someone, yet she doesn't seem to have sufficient training in the Pilates method. Is this person a producer, director, or a highly trained Pilates professional? Why didn't Romana complete the voice over instruction? Romana certainly has the knowledge and experience to do the voice over instruction.Another limitation is that the editing, at times, is choppy and the workouts are interrupted by covering the entire screen with the particular exercise name. This blocks the flowing movement, which is a hallmark of Romana's work in Pilates. Seamless transitions are essential, but the editing impedes the rhythm and dynamics.One last issue is the name: Romana's Pilates. The Pilates method is only Joseph Pilates' method; it is NOT Romana's method. It seems disrespectful to place anyone's name before Mr. Pilates, whether it is Stott Pilates or Peak Pilates or whatever.This 4 volume set does not do justice to Romana or to the greatness of Mr. Pilates. This is disappointing."