Yes Paul Theee Wolf Man himself in a GEM of a movie.
CLINT BRONSON | las vegas,NV. | 08/14/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I grew up with Paul(Waldemar Daninsky)Naschy. When I was
a child he was always on the Monster Mash Saturday double chiller
He has played every famous monster from Frankenstein's to Dracula
the Mummy,Mr.Hyde,Hunchback,zombie and of course his most famous
Werewolf...I watch him in the most low budget films but when your 6
you don't care..You just want monsters and action and Paul never
dissapointed. Now he has done a film that is his MASTERPIECE!!!
I say that for it is a VERY well made film,great directing
acting and over a million dollar budget which is a first for
EL HOMBRE LOBO! Naschy plays a out of work actor who
starred in what else? Horror movies! He will do anything
for work even KILL for it,I am not going into the story
you have to watch for your self but this GEM has everything
for a HORROR/GOREHOUND and then some! With it's Argento
like directing and moody feel you are in for a SHOCKING
good time. I am somewhat sad and shocked myself that I am
the first to review this???????????? This is not only a
great movie but Paul's best and everyone who loves Horror
should give a nod to EL Lobo. Paul Naschy and Christopher
Lee are all we have left of the great MONSTERS actors
please buy Rojo Sangre it is a MUST.
Thank you Paul for your contribution for over 35 yrs.
to my fav. Genre of film...HORROR and for my fav.
wolfman Waldimar Danisky also recommened Curse of the Devil!"