Not too shabby.
Z. Veronikas | 07/17/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The video teaches some ways to develop your vocals from a rock standpoint and also gives you some of the basics as well. The section is divided into 4 parts: Vocal Basics Step One, Step Two, Rock Vocals Step One, Step Two. It gives you some techniques for warming up your vocals, expanding your vocal range, demonstrates the vocal registers, some techniques on breathing, microphone use, etc..
It's nice having something in DVD format that teaches you how to sing; better medium than books and cds, I'd say. I would use this alongside another program that has more warm-up techniques, a vocal coach, a cd, book, or all of the above. I think it may be helpful to include something that demonstrates more breathing exercises as well. The breathing alone can be difficult for new singers to wrap their head around. One more point I should make is that some of the persons who are demonstrating different vocal exercises and styles, are very irritating. You may find yourself fast-forwarding a lot.
Altogether, very good product for those who are interested in singing rock music."
Rock Vocal-Tim Bogert is an amazing coach!!!
Jaime Vendera | Ohio | 02/14/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I actually have all four of the original VHS videos of this series, so it was cool to find they put it all together in one package. I believe the Vocal Basics is by the director of Voice at the Musicians Institue in Hollywood California. But what I love is the rock vocals part of this compilation. Rock Vocals I & II features Tim Bogert, who was the bass player for Vanilla Fudge. I actually attended MI back in 1990-1991 and Tim had an open counseling session for singers, although his job at MI was teaching Bass guitar. I got to be honest, I learned more from Tim in those open couseling sessions than I did from the entire Vocals program. This guy is utterly amazing and will show you ways on this video to sing in your real full voice without straining. No whimpy mixed tones here; all full voice power. If you want a stronger voice and more range, I'd buy this compilation just to watch Bogert in action...Be forewarned that these videos are years old...They may look out of date, but the coaching is priceless!"